Im a basic so bare with me please


May 3, 2012
in different websites, the owners can monitor the ip address and computer id.. i have a good background with computers but i dont know how to use command prompt...

can someone tell me how i can change my computer id that use to appear to a website owner? it doesnt matter if the solution is through windows or command prompt, but please give me clear and detailed steps
Nothing in any Windows Operating System will do what you seek.

If you use a proxy, then your information can be that of the proxy including the IP address you appear to be originating from. Not all proxies are the same. Some will pass your true IP and some will hide you. No matter what level of a proxy you use, if JavaScript is enabled in your computer the site needs only ask your computer who it is and it's real public IP and stupidly, it will tell them.


thank you for your response... but im not talking about IP address, i know how to change that but thank you for your commitment anyway, i really appreciate it.

IP address and computer ID appear to website oweners, im talking about computer ID which should be a combination of letters and numbers. I know it can be changed if windows is reinstalled, but then computer will become brand new and i'll have to go through transfering files and doing all app installation and settings... you know its just pain in the neck...

i'll appreciate anyone's help