I'm not a total computer geek so bare with me. Ok, so here's my problem, last year I built a computer and decided to reformat an old 160gb IDE drive from my last computer and stick in the new one that I had built. Lately, I have noticed that my games load significantly slower and when going to certain areas of the game when loading objects my fps goes down. Last night when I was playing WoW I got a BSOD, while objects/characters were loading. Could this be caused by my hard drive? I have feeling it might be dieing, so I'm thinking about replacing it with a SATA. Any thoughts on any good sata drives I could replace it with or If my problem is something else? I also have 2gb of crucial ballistix ram and my OS is windows XP, would upgrading it significantly boost game loading times as well?
My current build:
Intel E8400 duo core 3.0ghz
2gb crucial ballistix <-- I wanna know some good high performace gaming ram I could replace this with.
Seagate 160 GB IDE 5200RPM
MSI 8800GT(OC)
Im currently looking at this hard drive as a possible upgrade - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136320
I appreciate any help, you guys have always greatly helped me in the past.
My current build:
Intel E8400 duo core 3.0ghz
2gb crucial ballistix <-- I wanna know some good high performace gaming ram I could replace this with.
Seagate 160 GB IDE 5200RPM
MSI 8800GT(OC)
Im currently looking at this hard drive as a possible upgrade - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136320
I appreciate any help, you guys have always greatly helped me in the past.