ionut19 :
As for the rest...wtx! Picture 16 just take's it to a hole new level.
A nasty mass of insect body'es, fused together with dust, decomposing bug organs, other creatures roaming and hatching from inside, eating the insides of the fresh body'es. A new type of ecosystem is created, also the heat from the PC parts maintaining a perfect temperature for nasty microscopic fauna to develop and thrive. In two years it will start moving on it's own. Sorry for the nasty picture created from my writing he he...
I can totally see a Disney movie based on that! It would be based on the bugs' perspective, and of course there would be a hero bug who spends his on-screen time trying to save everyone. Everything is all happy at the beginning of the movie. "Summer" would be when the kidz played games on the computer, heating up the parts. It'll be called
The Habitat.
On a nice "summer" day, the hero comes across an old bug that everyone has written off as "crazy," who tells the hero bug his fears about the looming threat of a lapse in power that outlasts the APC battery backup in the corner of the room. The "crazy" bug tells the hero bug that after the APC runs out, The Habitat will become too cold for the bugs to survive.
Then - one day - a few bugs discover that the cable to the power supply is
actually failing, and a growing number of bugs begin to believe the "crazy" bug's story. They confirm that the power cable is about to give out, and the hero has to replace it, but everyone's too scared to pull it out because they don't know how long the old APC will last. Ultimately, the hero bug convinces everyone that it's the only way, except for a few crotchety old bugs with no faith in the hero.
The hero bug and some sidekicks make their way through a few mini-adventures involved in their goal: Finding a new power cable, transporting it to the computer room without getting killed by the household cat "Mittens," and finally - the moment of truth - installing it before the APC gives out. Just before successfully installing the replacement cable, the APC actually does give out, and it doesn't turn back on after connecting the plug. But just as the cold bugs are about to resign to their frosty fate, a little red light on the APC flickers. . . . Silence. . . . It illuminates! The PC speaker beeps. The HDD boots. All looks good.
But then . . . The stock Intel cooler's fan gets stuck for some reason, and the bugs face one final challenge so they don't burn to death: Making "Intel" spin. As they plan how to spin Intel, one of the crotchety old bugs who previously lacked faith in the hero bug is sitting by himself, grimacing near the CPU fan header. He notices the fan isn't plugged in all the way. It must have come loose during the power cable installation. The crotchety bug then plugs Intel into the header. The hero bug and his sidekicks, still discussing their plan for how to spin Intel, look up and notice that Intel is now spinning. The crotchety bug emerges and makes friends with the hero, having become a hero himself. Everyone cheers. The "Happy" song by Pherell Williams queues and the bugs dance. Roll credits with cute closeups of the bug-characters from the movie. Sell millions of tickets!