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May 10, 2014

I'm experiencing an extremely frustrating issue. I did a clean reset of my PC after experiencing some problems with Windows 10 that could be fixed by resetting. I proceeded to reset my PC.

During the reset, once the resetting circle had reached %100 it came up with the Windows 10 logo and the loading wheel. It then went to a blue screen saying "Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We'll restart for you" and down below the error code INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE

It then proceeds to restart and repeat the exact same thing. If anyone can fix this I will be extremely great full.

Thank you
Hello Xttract

Can you please confirm if you are performing a 'clean install' or 'full reset' and removing all your personal files?

Also, are you using SSD along with an HDD? If you are using an SSD with HDD, the chances are that the PC has started looking for the bootable operating system in the HDD.

Disconnecting the HDD from your PC and then Resetting the PC Externally may resolve the issue.

After Windows 10 boots normally, you can reconnect your HDD to the computer.

Hope this helps.
Ok ... back in windows... avira is gone the inaccesible error did appear and got reproduced, i was able to switch it on and off
it was the services at boot up time hidden in the registry

after some time now i got a other crash.... just power off
before that i get npscvtrig in the windows log
and before i get pwippf6
both seem to be native windows files
they successfuly load as filters before the crash

this leads to a problem with more of such drivers
one is causing a power shut down, it could by any one as i also updated any one in the last time
i strongly suspect ... ha ... near to any thing, audio or graphics may the firewall, may a windows update, just still not a real hardware problem, linux works ... windows recovery too ... hard disks work ... usb stuff seems to work
just some black magic inside the pc

i had luke with the avira problem but now ???

i did read some one had such problems and he did reinstall the os and the error did still occur but only one time, strange
some suspect the the npscvtrig belongs to microsoft malware stuff, others say the pwip6 belongs to the firewall
so again security stuff, may still leftovers (?)

i download a tool named WhoCrashed Free version
this makes an analyce of the last dump file
the error is some days old and its an irql less or not equal error by a8djusb_64+0x16CA2
this is not the log of the kernel power off problem it self
but it is the log where the problem gave its first signs

this driver irql not less or equal
then flashplayer problems
then kernelpower problems
then a unremoveable avira
then a inaccessible boot device
then back to windows login but now without avira
then some time and power off
no heating no warning no useful logs

now what ?
think think ... its the nsa they play games they want me to buy a new crap computer... lets make some csa defend my computer against evil
OK new suspects
native instruments (may they do not care any more)
NVIDIA (They work together with microsoft, they are spies and trojans too)
Privvate firewall 7.0 xx (this seems to be or take over pwip6)
most other "local drivers" as shown in this Whocrashes" tool seem to be microsoft or common sense as elan tech mousepad drivers some new awast drivers from post first occourance and so on

what does it tell me?
setting up a new system would still be the fastest solution
the error can happen any time or never again just as it comes out of nothing

the browser had flash video problems ... it did crash after some minutes or after some some videos... but the errors did start before i did update flash
some people think it has to do with a sleep mode, may if some hd goes to sleep, but also here all is on full energy profile pci energy and no hybernation and nothing just full power
one said he resolved the problem by unpluging the battery of his laptop and working with out it on the power cable
this would mean some thing with the acpi stuff, as i guess, but this i have disabled any way because of the sound.
so who can crash flash
sound or video
who can crash the windows security stuff
the private firewall 7 or avast (i dont think so, at the moment they look very decent to me), still leftovers from avira
or what i suspect a windows update that affects the windows security it self and from that is avira and personal firewall suffering
so this are some ideas

when i did read about avusbflt i saw some logs by people talking about problems in the avira email filter
private firewall has a similar filter
no one knows what this is doing
i already thoght about that problem before, may they eat each other

the audio driver i used since long time it was an old version and a update did not help and i did use the old version before because it was better (less lag)

ok again search registry for avkmgr and avibpp, may they have leftovers or are still hijacking stuff
some event log entries nothing more

got a other crash
whocrashes still has the old dump nothing new
windows log not much new
still this npscvtrig or similar and this pwip6 before the crash

but some where much before is a yellow AFD mssage about pwip6 telling me ... this driver is not certified by microsoft it could cause any thing
so again i circle around security... the avira and personalfirewal 7 email security is suspect now
turning off emali dedection functions ( i never used it any way, what should it do any way?)

running hijack this
avira has hicacked the ie browser with a lot of stuff

pc crash
uninstall private firewall 7

see the update logs for the first time
there was an flash security update, may this causes the browser crash i had at the beginning
before was a windows malware remove tool defender update, may this was the problem?
since then came some definitions updates
also some nov 2016 preview roll up stuff (waht ever it is)
restarting the pc to make the uninstall complete
activating the windows internal firewall
windows defender sleeps because of avast

i hope it will soon crash or never
i try to let it sleep and wake it, may this is a trigger (?)

thinking about the update log
i saw this flash player security update, it was in the time where flash did constantly crash the browser (!)
around this update there was a windows defender security update and later some deffinition updates
i just cant believe it but it all gives a picture
some thing with the internal security stuff by windows may has slightly changed
and this may ops-out the avira and personal firewall email protection stuff
and this may is able to crash windows

how ever it seems to be a problem in the drivers and virtual drivers of some thing, just a guess
but all i am looking at are drivers the whole time

i do not think the error is gone but it takes now a while the pc did turn off the screen and could wake up again.
at least private firewall seems to remove it self properly, some how

i like this firewall very much, i think its just a gui for the windows firewal, and maybe every security software is abusing this firewall at the very end
and maybe also the email protection stuff is here and may has changed (where is it in the windows firewall, i saw no email protection after a quick look? )

next would be to rollback NVIDIA just because i more prefer sound :))
and if this does not work the sound
and then all the original old drivers after uninstalling the newer versions of them
and then rollback windows update

i see no other hint at the moment and i still hope it will crash now, just to let me know if i am finish or not :))

so theory:
windows update has changed the security mechanisms, may you call it layer or what ever sounds nice to you
security software is not aware of the changes or ignores it and fails
in the case of avira i am speechless, leftover files and hidden registry keys not removable by theyr own tool (terrible)

ok still geting a crash power off
restarting and while loading again
it is doing what ever it likes, i cant find a reproducable trigger
this should give two log entries, i hope to see them soon

found a corrupted windows defender in the logfiles
it does not start up ... some error with ok button
i uninstall avast AV, may this will free windows defender
then i will reaply maybe the last defender update

i always used avira and disabled windows defender... my avira did prevent a correct update because it is some how placing it self as a filter (?) now when i remove this software the defender shows up as deffectife (?)

without avast defender is starting up as normal, thats bad, so its maybe a other problem
run a quick scan, found zero

Suspecting nvidia now
ok waiting for the next crash to unistall nvudia

until then, some thoghts about a new system install
they get paid for what i do, debuging windows
ahhrr still avira in the windows options panel, they have nested in this panel and not removed
may i find it in the registry
waaahhh i used theyr tool now hundert times.. the registry is full of avira, avira launcher, avira xm, aviradesktop avira avira "kill kill" the red symbol "kill..." avira tray avira default search page ... i did kill this with hijack this ... why is it still in the registry? did hijack not find every thing or is avira ressistant? i thoght about seting up a new system and now still avira avira avira .... they drive me mad!
ok manual registry cleaning of evry avira {key} or value

ok while i am cooking now (humans need food) it went quiet a time with out crashing
i do not trust in it at all but it looks promising at the moment

if so then the shut down would have to do with security software and hidden drivers and blocked windows security stuff
may thy have all a common component, it may would be the mail filter function they provide

i let it stay now so until i know more or hopefully ... this was it

need to eat now and watch some tv
i hope you will resolve your error with one of the given ideas 😉
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