The price of a console for what? To play console ports? No thanks. I actually bought an ATI 4890 so I could play probably two of the last good PC only games there will ever be at maximum settings, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC & CoP. 500$ to have 2 or 3 more eye candy features (supposedly DX10 or the UNIQUE DX11 feature of AvP 3, ladies and gentleman Anti-aliasing! I'm sure I really need DX11, it can't be a marketing ploy) at beast over their console conterparts, with the subpar console gameplay that comes with it, no thanks. AvP 3 anyone? Dragon Age? Even if it received good critics, I hated it, decided to return to BG 2 and NWN 1 & 2. Deus Ex 3 on the way...Oh, too bad, multiplatform as well. I had faith in AvP 3. With the current result, I lost all faith for any multiplatform game to come, even if the originals of the franchise were good in the past. Fallout 3? Sucks as well.
No, I have better places to put my money, say, in my toilets.