Inno3D's GeForce GTX 480 Boxed for Shipping

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Ok, this is starting to get a little ridiculous. We don't care about the boxes, we care about performance!

I don't recall ever seeing endless "stories" about the ATI 5870 boxes pre-launch...So why is this so important?
This is probably the best box art I've seen for Fermi. I am just waiting to see the price and their benchmarks. So exciting, I hope when I get Fermi, I can actually play most games in 3D, including and not limited to Crysis lol.
Whats with all these companies showing of their boxes??? the actual product is lacking and they are trying to compensate for its lacks by shiny (and ugly thus far) boxes?
I'll admitt that lean more towards Nvidia, but box art isnt't something, that should come up every time first time was cool, but 3 new artictle about 3 boxs, cardboard isn't changing the world lol
for all you will it run crysis / crysis 2.... crysis 2 will actually look better and require less hardware than the original crysis. so yes itll run crysis 2, my gtx 285 will run it like butter.
The price of a console for what? To play console ports? No thanks. I actually bought an ATI 4890 so I could play probably two of the last good PC only games there will ever be at maximum settings, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC & CoP. 500$ to have 2 or 3 more eye candy features (supposedly DX10 or the UNIQUE DX11 feature of AvP 3, ladies and gentleman Anti-aliasing! I'm sure I really need DX11, it can't be a marketing ploy) at beast over their console conterparts, with the subpar console gameplay that comes with it, no thanks. AvP 3 anyone? Dragon Age? Even if it received good critics, I hated it, decided to return to BG 2 and NWN 1 & 2. Deus Ex 3 on the way...Oh, too bad, multiplatform as well. I had faith in AvP 3. With the current result, I lost all faith for any multiplatform game to come, even if the originals of the franchise were good in the past. Fallout 3? Sucks as well.

No, I have better places to put my money, say, in my toilets.
This reminds me of some pink sheet penny stocks, and how most of the pumping or bashing revolves around whether or not the product actually exists. C'mon guys, the only time we ever went looking for box art was when Mass Effect came out, and the only reason we cared was because of all the moral panic and outrage about hot naked alien space babes.
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