[SOLVED] Inspiron 15-7579: Hard drive not installed error message - unable to find SSD

May 3, 2021
Hi all,
I received an error message today on my Dell Inspiron 15-7579 stating my hard drive is not installed. BIOS doesn't detect my drive either. Opened the back to see if my SSD was loose, but I can't seem to find it at all! I've posted links of pics containing my error message and the back of my computer below. If anyone knows where my SSD might be, or any troubleshooting advice, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Hard drive not installed error message
Where is my drive even located?
Where is my drive even located pt2?
BIOS can't find drive either
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Hi esem12.

I don't see any drive in that laptop. SSD should have been in the port below the fan.

If it's not loose and under something I can't see someone removed the drive from the laptop.