
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

Have recently installed a new hard drive and used Norton Ghost to transfer
the OS over to this new HD. NewHD is WD 36gig Raptor(SATA), and old HD is a
120 gig Maxtor 7200rpm. My problem is when I start the computer the old
Maxtor is still crunching away as if it was the main drive and it is very
load. Is it common during startup of a computer to have both drives working
at the same time? Or is there something I may have missed during the transfer
of the OS?
Any help would be great.


Feb 20, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

gofish2003 wrote:
> Have recently installed a new hard drive and used Norton Ghost to transfer
> the OS over to this new HD. NewHD is WD 36gig Raptor(SATA), and old HD is a
> 120 gig Maxtor 7200rpm. My problem is when I start the computer the old
> Maxtor is still crunching away as if it was the main drive and it is very
> load. Is it common during startup of a computer to have both drives working
> at the same time? Or is there something I may have missed during the transfer
> of the OS?
> Any help would be great.
> Thanks

What exactly did you do? Unless you did a clone, the new drive will
not boot. And I assume that you placed the new drive in the master
position on the cable?
