Installing first CPU and cooler


Feb 26, 2009
I'm going to be installing a new CPU (AMD Phenom II 720 AM3), and I have never done it. I've always started with the MB and CPU preinstalled, but not this time around. What are some tips anyone can recommend? Are there any links to some good "how to" articles or books I might look at? I plan on overclocking. Can I use the stock cooler from AMD or what is a good cooler for this CPU? The MB is a GA-MA770-UD3.

Much appreciated.
Installing the cpu is a piece of cake...I would explain it to you but your mobo and cpu come with instructions on how to do it and explain it a lot better than I ever could...

...if you plan on overclocking, I would buy an aftermarket cooler...if not, the stock cooler will suffice...
there's really no need for a how-to on how to install a cpu. just align the gold arrow on the cpu with the mark on the socket. then put the cooler on top and make sure it's fully secured. also, don't use the stock cooler for overclocking. i have the same cpu and i can tell you that the stock cooler is embarrassing to say the least. Instead i'm using my old arctic cooling freezer 64 pro. very good and cheap cooler. take a look at it!

I also agree with jsc - do the install outside the case. Also, take a close look at installation instructions for the cooler. Some, like one I used a couple months ago, require that you remove some of the CPU cooler mounting hardware on the mobo and replace it with parts specific for the new cooler. That definitely has to be done with mobo outside the case. That cooler was by Noctua, an Austrian company that makes very effective coolers with very quiet fans.