Installing SATA


Apr 11, 2003
I read the forums and see that when you install sata drives you cant boot it as usual with the window xp cd and requires a floppy and pressing f6 during the install to get the sata drivers in, am I right?

Now when I built my computer I didnt get a floppy since my school email could handle 10mb attachments and I didnt see anywhere I went w/o internet connections.

Now what can I do? =(
A floppy drive is about $5, it's not exactly gonna break the bank is it?

<font color=blue>"If Little Red Riding Hood shows up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch." - Sean Pertwee</font color=blue>
in other words i MUST get one?

im looking for alternatives, I'ld have thought i made it clear I knew a floppy would solve the problem
yeah pretty much if you don't feel like installing it in the case just hand it out the side until setup is done then disconnect it.

PS sorry but sometimes you have to be frank
Yeah, as Miniklobb said, you don't have to have installed permanently, just keep it around somewhere. It may help you out again in the future, you never know.

<font color=blue>"If Little Red Riding Hood shows up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch." - Sean Pertwee</font color=blue>
There are alternatives but they involve writing setup scripts to specify the location and installation of the SATA drivers. In the standard off-the-CD installation the script only searches the A: drive and A: is reserved in the BIOS for your floppy. So that kind of limits your option.

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ouch.. thats technically out of my league literally =p
the prob here is my roommates uses dell and its very troublesome to pluck out their floppies.. and i refuse to buy one =p
thanks all