Installing XP Pro and AHCI drivers


Dec 21, 2007
Hi guys, hope this is the correct forum.

Long story short, got a nasty case of virus/spyware and decided it's quicker to reinstall XP Pro.

I've got an Intel DG33FB motherboard, Intel E8400 CPU and SATA hard drive and I dual-boot with gentoo linux.

So basically, the last time I installed XP, I had to slipstream the AHCI drivers as well as SP2 into an image of an XP CD, then burn it and install from that disc. When I did it last time I had a handy little utility that would automatically make the required changes to the .iso and put all the files in the right spots, etc.

But it's for windows only, and my windows partition is essentially nonfunctional (happened practically overnight :pfff: ).

so.... rather than do the slipstreaming process manually in linux, which seems tedious and has lots of room for error, I was wondering:

Could I go into the BIOS, set the drive to IDE mode, install XP PRo, and then install the AHCI drivers after XP is installed, and then go back into the BIOS and set the drive back to AHCI mode?

Would that even work?