Looks like I'm going to have to call this round in favor of Intel.
Intel, using shear horsepower and ring bus, probably beats their AMD counterparts even in multi-threaded workloads even though AMD has more cores/treads. Heavily threaded may still go to AMD but my guess is it'll be close there too.
Can't wait for comparisons to see how it works out.
Intel has higher IPC and higher clocks. On average, each CoffeLake core is so fast like 1.333 Zen cores.
i7-8700k faster than R7-1800X:
i7-8700k slower than R7-1800X but faster than R7-1700:
The above are workloads that can use 16 threads on 8C RyZen.
On workloads that cannot use many threads, the extra cores are useless and i7-8700k can be 30--50% faster than R7-1800x
Makes sense that Intel is gaining back marketshare, 90% of their CPUs were slower than Ryzen CPUs across the board (for the most part, sure there are exceptions like gaming). Only the unlocked skus had potential to beat ryzen.
Now that core counts are pretty much equal, it's equally competitive on both sides.
Yeah, I was on board at the 259 price point. It now shows $299 USD and $329 CAD which means it is actually cheaper in Canada than it is for me to buy in the US due to exchange. This is a rare thing.
But it also puts the R7 1700 back into contention, and maybe even the lead since I get a cooler included and a cheaper mobo. At least for me since I am buying in time for it to be a Christmas present.
How or why is it that a crap company like cyberpower has these chips, yet I can't even get a sniff.
My Hero X is about to go back to Amazon.
Because there is a LOT more demand for prebuilt systems than homebuilt systems. It's easy to forget, but the PC DIY community is quite small.
Exactly, if you are intel, what would you prefer to do: Sell 1000 chips over the course of a month piece by piece to a variety of customers, or sell 10,000 at once to 5 companies. (Keep in mind my numbers are entirely made up and do not reflect actual or potential numbers)
Depends on the retail model, but I guess you guys are correct to a degree. OEMs buy it right away, so they take away all side effects of storage + distribution. Retails, it depends. I would put MicroCenter as an example of a "buyer retailer", so that would put them in line with the OEMs. Amazon (among others) sound like they do outsourcing on some (link you to another store) and also have internal inventory (same case as OEMs here I'd say then). And then the rest, which could use an Intel distributor (if there are any) that takes inventory from Intel to the stores and then back if nothing sells (classic/old retail model).
Prices go up once they leave Intel (much like in AMDs case with Vega/Polaris) and usually favor the middle man in the chain. This includes OEMs, since they can also increase the price of their laptops, I would imagine? But less likely, since they have way more competition among pre-built systems.
Yeah that's insane. Minion sellers like that are horrible, that's why I always try to encourage not to use them.
No doubt, I laugh when I see some of those sellers on Newegg and their prices.
Outlet PC (I think) is one on Newegg I always see on Newegg and their prices must be just entirely made up.
I can purchase the i3-8350k for about one half the price of R7-1700 in my country. USA sites as Newegg are overpricing the i3 and rest of CFL models. Sorry for you guys.
^ At half the price of the ryzen 1700 that 8350k is still overpriced anyway
The R7 is only 40% faster in stuff as Handbrake or Blender, despite having twice the number of cores and 4x more threads. Whereas the i3 is better for games. I think it is the R7 which is overpriced.
No doubt, I laugh when I see some of those sellers on Newegg and their prices.
Outlet PC (I think) is one on Newegg I always see on Newegg and their prices must be just entirely made up.
I took Outlet PC off our master list of PC part sellers because I got tired of their pricing nonsense. They are one vendor who is notorious for price gouging.
^ At half the price of the ryzen 1700 that 8350k is still overpriced anyway
So by your own logic the R7 1700 is super overpriced... Because at half the price the 8350K 4 cores are way faster and it comes with integrated graphics (Intel's HUD 630 able to stream and play 4k video) better value all around.