Intel Developer Forum, Day One: Intel Thinks Small

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The technology develops so quick that it's hard to convince myself to buy what's out now. It's going to be dated in like 3 months 🙁

But progress is always good. Keep up the good work Intel!
So to sum up, Intel is hard at work making things smaller, they still probably suck at making GPUs, and are trying to hide in shame a little bit at their past practices. Did I forget to mention anything?
[citation][nom]ravewulf[/nom]So to sum up, Intel is hard at work making things smaller, they still probably suck at making GPUs, and are trying to hide in shame a little bit at their past practices. Did I forget to mention anything?[/citation]
If you can't see the need for competition and advancement, maybe you should explore other, more timeless hobby such as amateur stone grinding.

For the rest of us, we like to see technology progress.
I would suspend judgment until something more meaningful has come up with this project of Intel. Making things smaller is good, but making it work better is an another story.
Intel IS a bully. I love what they're doing, I just don't like how they go about it sometimes. We need competition. Period. If Intel gets too big, I'd rather it tumble and leave two smaller competitors in its place. In the long run it will be better for consumers.
Intel is looking promising as far as tech goes right now. They really upped their game in the recent years. Sucks for AMD, I like AMD, dislike Intel, but there's no denying who's on top.
CPUs can do "almost realtime" ray tracing as well. It's called a progressive ray tracer. Hard to tell exactly what they used here because the camera isn't moving. A progressive ray tracer would be very obvious if they moved the camera, and if it looked grainy or unrefined while moving then you know they are only tracing a relatively small number of rays per second to improve the "framerate"
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