intel in 50 years

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Jul 15, 2006
Quantum and Electron Spin Computing are a few ideas that spring to mind. Keep in mind that electron spin computing would allow for things such as recieving video and controlling a rover on, say, mars (or anywhere else in the universe) at real time.


Jul 16, 2006
Intel will be the number one company in the world within 50 years, when it discovers how to convert the infinite supply of fanboi flames into clean electrical power.

Phenium 4 FX

Nov 9, 2007

And the droids will become out of control because they installed a chip of barcelona in their brain! :lol:


Nov 24, 2004
in 50 years intel will have a bpu(brain processing unit) in your watch. Usb's will be the size of pins and will connect to the back of your head using usb 2.1 netburst technology. In COD14 ( jurassic warfare[ pre-release demo]) you will need to hold your breath using your lungs to better aim the sniper rifle.


Oct 8, 2007
I listened to a radio report a year or so ago, that scientist just figured out how to slow the speed of light, they said it was quantum physics or something. They said that when this can be perfected it could be used to replace electron signals in cpu's with photon signals. It would take a lot less power and heat to use photons and it would be light speed computing. I am thinking, if they could slow down light that they could accelerate it as well (at some point) thus this would lead to warp drives and the advent of transparent aluminum! oops sorry I strayed into the startrek world for a min....

I would say do some research (google) on all of these ideas people are giving you and include them for reference in your paper. Maybe do a history on past predictions, then lead into current predictions with all of the stuff people are talking about here, as long as you can find credible sources for the topics.



Jul 11, 2001
Ok, think of this - Intel, the microprocessor, the mouse, the computer monitor, the personal computer, hard drives, CDs, motherboards, video cards, RAM, DVDs, THE INTERNET etc.!...none of those existed 50 years ago. How in the world could we predict even one small portion of what will happen in 50 years?!! Look back 10 years or even 20 at technology and see how drastically it's changed. The only certainty about the future of technology is that no one will be able to predict where it goes.


Jul 22, 2007
Moore's Law will have come to an end for the past 30...Intel sells chipmaking duties to Samsung, and corporate employees all retire, sending out checks to shareholders and dissolving the company.


Aug 16, 2007
We will have distributed computing rather than individual dedicated processors. The networks will have evolved such that your particular subroutine will accompany you wherever you go and you can edit and change it as you wish with spoken commands. This will be coupled with electro-chemical rather than electro-magnetic storage that will be processed in a parallel fashion rather than linear fashion resulting in instantaneous queries, graphs and results. Personal transport will be equipped with "governors" which will not allow unsafe operation (no overide) and will insure "zero tolerance" measures for traffic patterns,

Intel's function in all this will merely be one of policing the system for malicious code, core maintenance, and of course marketing the next incremental interface, which will have much more fashion implication than function. Primary care will be required such that the "composite system" does not become "self aware" thus ultimately removing all decision making processes from mankind's table.


Dec 31, 2006
2009 computers become self-aware
2010 computers take over the world and become self manufacturing
2011 computers relegate mankind to secondary role. "The Matrix"


Sep 10, 2007
I agree CPU's will be everywhere and in everything.

At the pace things are going we will have a 64-Core CPU the size of a finger nail, that's as fast as the current fastest computer in the world.

Of course one may argue that having many cores is just the new flavor of the day - but someone alluded to the use of light. Well - 50 years from now CPU's will communicate at light speed with other components within the PC. Actually this technology may be 10-20 years away.

Everyone will wear a computer - much like we wear watches. These new 'watches' will be 1000 times faster than todays desktops and we will use it for all sorts of things such as: keys for house, car, work; ATM transactions and all electronic payments; telephone; ipod; camera; GSM locator/directions etc. - all on your wrist. These wasches will have wireless modems using a protocol called Z which will operate at 100Tbps.

They will have small nuclear powered batteries good for 50 years of power (not rechargeable, stay away from the Sony ones, they explode).

Your car will be a super compter by todays standard - it will prevent crashes, take you on uncongested roads - HELL, it'll drive itself - ahhh - or fly.


A CPU in 50 years time will essentially be all the components that make up a PC except the case. That is, it will be a fusion of the GPU, CPU, Mother Board, Hard Drive, Wireless Modem and will pretty much be ready to work straight out the box.


Sep 10, 2007

2008 California Governator passes legislation to make it all possible.

50 years from now:
- Intel will merge with Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Citigroup, AT&T, Coca-Cola and Boeing. Not all at the same time.
- cutthroat competition from the company created by merging Oracle, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, AMD, etc.
- microprocessors will be used in things like clothes, contact lenses, frozen dinners.
- PCs as we know them today will still exist: 5 in the Smithsonian, 15 in the private collections of rich crazy guys

Effects: a faster CPU makes games better, more addictive. This leads to less exercise, less social interaction, more innovation in sex toys, less real sex, fewer children born, lower population levels, less pollution, less competition for oil or other dwindling resources, smaller chance of a global nuclear war. To cut the story short, better CPUs will save the planet. Nice work, Intel :)

Recently Intel has demonstrated an 80-core CPU. The cores are nowhere near the complexity of an 80x86-compatible core (as in Q6600, for example), but still pretty powerful. This sort of CPU is perfect for face recognition, for example. Read Orwell's "1984" for a good example of using such technology.

What directions CPUs are heading: read Robert A. Heinlein's "Friday". One of the best SF books ever IMO.


Feb 20, 2006
I'll prolly be dead before the next 50 years.

But then the only real question that goes through my mind is...

Will people still be asking why their CPU is running slower then their stock speed? :heink: . o O ( :sleep: )


Jul 16, 2006

It will have to be three phase in order to power nVidia's DX28 cards.


Dec 14, 2005
well... in the last 50 years, look at the increasing rate of progression, and how much has changed individually and as a whole as a result of technology... take that, and put that from now into the next 50 years, unless something drastically changes between now and then, to throw everything off. otherwise though, anything that doesnt have a processor of some kind right now, most likely will by then... ai will most likely proliferate more, be more advanced, be more incorporated into things, to make things 'easier', but at what expense, financially or otherwise. and the rate at which processors are capable of computing is expected to have exceeded the capacity of the human brain by then, probably by a lot by that time too.

as far as intel specifically though? dunno... but i can imagine they would possibly play some part, even if theyre bought out by a larger company by that time, whatever company that may possibly be... they might only be a memory by then too, dunno.


Jul 14, 2006
Consider the computer industry in 1957 and compare it with where the computer industry is today. That is a good indication of where the computer industry could be in 50 years. Now, in the same sense that a theoretician from 1957 could even possibly begin to forecast the state of the industry in 2007, that is how much of a possibility you have of forecasting the industry in 2057, let alone one company in that industry.

Forward looking technologies rely on the advance of science and technology to power the inventions of tomorrow. Sometimes, this is allowed for by swift advances in human understanding of the nature of the universe (consider the advances of nuclear science from 1900 to 1945), but more often than not, it is made by careful research that is built upon over generations (mathmatics, for instance, has been advanced slowly for over 4000 years of recorded history).

More often than not, our clear understanding of the universe and how it works is often colored by the brilliant minds who can clear the clouds of mystery with a few startling observations, such as Newton, Einstein, Bohrs, von Neumann, Hawking, and many more who have contributed their unique insights about the universe around us, and our place in it. Each owes much to the generations that came before, and stands to give much to the generations that come after. In 50 years, if I am still alive, I will think back to this day and ponder what will lay in store in another 50 years hence. Who is to say? The sun that shines tomorrow has not yet risen.


Oct 8, 2007
I think there might be a chance that Itel will hit an electron wall within the next 10 years and then we will see 4 or 8 socket MB's for consumers. It will probably go on like this with little progress until 2030 then a break threw will occur. But the early versions of "the break threw" won't be much better until 2035 or so. This will be a completely different technology that we will steal from Aliens!!!