intel in 50 years

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Aug 20, 2007
wow, 50 years is a long time. As mentioned I would think things will be done with nano technology. I would see it quite hard to even predict where things will be by then. But, good luck anyway.
Or maybe Intel will develop a REALLY smart CPU, which will take over the world and kill us all, like in the Terminator movies or the Dune novels. I think the US government should take drastic measures NOW to protect us. Not a second to waste!!! For example any CPU faster than the Q6600 should be outlawed, just to play it safe. :)

Edit: and ban overclocking too, why take chances :kaola:


Dec 5, 2006
Electricity will not be commercially produced, and plastic parts and components will be salvaged by the remnants of humanity for use as fuel.


May 29, 2007
There's a couple of (fiction) books that I can recommend which give some glimpses of possible ideas for you. The first is a duology by Peter F Hamilton - the first book is Pandora's Star and the sequel is Judas Unchained.

In this story, set ~about 400 years from now (a bit too far on i know ... but the ideas are quite possible and could probably be out in 50) there is both a true artificial intelligence (which decided it outgrew humanity, and got it's own planet and seperated itself from us, while keeping links) but also there's talk of integration of computers into the human body with nerve linkages and OC Tatoos (think it stands for optical circuitry or something along those lines).

The second pair of books are a joint venture by arthur c clarke and stephen baxter ... "Time's Eye" for the first book, and "Sunstorm" for the second. Only the latter coverss what you're after, but they're a good read nonetheless (and the first book features ~1900 era british army teaching the armies of alexander the great to play cricket ^^). In the latter, there are a couple of super AI's, which are formed/exist via the immense network of the entire planet (internet squared) becoming sentient. Not quite so directly relevant, but it may help you on your way.


Feb 1, 2006
Moores law will probably be your best guide as to where we will be.

Moores law states: "Computing power doubles every 18 months."

So with a little math this tells us it will double about 33.3 times.

We have Quads now.

In just under 20 yrs we will have 32,768 cores if Moores law stays true. Many times already some have said Moores law will run out, but so far there has always been a breakthrough to get the materials needed to make it work.

Needless to say whatever we have in 50 years it will certainly smoke anything we have right now... that's a given.


Aug 16, 2007
Instead of looking from computer technology outwards
to the rest of the world, I would look inwards from
known technologies that have been suppressed:

Nikola Tesla comes to mind e.g. powering wireless
devices with the data signal: he predicted that
wireless radios would be noise-free and
airplanes could be powered without jet engines --
because their power would be transmitted
from remote sources.

As soon as the "beast" described in The Revelation
is no longer creating artificial shortages of resources
like crude oil, and no longer actively limiting R&D
to what benefits corporate fascists at the expense
of the rest of humanity, there are already millions
of research projects that could unleash an avalanche
of inventions that will stagger our present imaginations.

One of my favorite "thought experiments" is to play
with Einstein's famous formula -- E = mc^2 --
by solving for "m" instead as follows:

m = E / (c^2)

The latter is a formulaic metaphor for Creation,
whereas Einstein's original is a metaphor for destruction.

Thus, the future of an eternal universe allows for
the possibility that those chosen to live forever
will be given the key to materializing or "condensing"
raw matter from God's Infinite Energy.

Call these "white holes" as opposed to black holes, if you will.

Perhaps this will be one of the key features which
distinguishes the Kingdom of Heaven from our
present "Veil of Tears" where children are routinely
kidnapped, tortured and murdered.

If brain waves can be transmitted to and from computers,
this opens the possibility of remotely controlling robotic
armies that assemble entirely new cities in these
newly materialized planetary systems.

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell
Webmaster, Supreme Law Library

Interesting, Nikola was, and too his ground based energy tranmission theories. The military now uses some forms of this in the nuclear submarine segment. It appears that before the "beast" is defeated, it must devour the harlot which rides him (Babylon the Great), so we wait for that to transpire....then the beast will be cast into the fiery lake.

m = E / (c^2) The formula here, is indeed a formula for creation, and can be used to convert energy into matter. I suspect that if one was to master that discipline, we should have transporters, absolutely no pollution and be limited only by imagination and of course, our finite sensory abilities. White and black holes are both merely mass/energies beyond our ability to measure. The kingdom of heaven is the seat of rulership where "kings and priests" rule over earthly subjects who complete the original command to fill and subdue the earth, for after all, the original purpose did not change, but merely had to wait until the vindication is complete.

I too visualize a time where mankind extends his reach into the stars. Perhaps, there may be a time when we work to that end...together.


May 21, 2006

Thank you guys.
Ok I'll take onboard the doomsday post previously ... my bad.

In 50 years:

Chips are embedded into newborn children (after mothers sue regarding invasion of privacy with in-utero chip technology previousy used for last 5 years.

chip is a control interface (massively parallel) which provides two way cognitive - sensory communication.

phones, tv's etc all rendered useless and irrelevant when AV data is capable of direct neural linkup with individuals.

Comically we all now have a personal IP (V9) address.

Intel owns the chip (and Microsoft owns the massive node system with interconnected mainframes) ... we rent it for life.

Google owns all forms of media after Rupert sells up and goes to Mars - ads are streamed direct as active or passive or dream sequences.

You must pay Google to minimise advertising disrupting your every waking moment.

The filthy rich have no implants.

Criminals have inhibitors placed on their sensory inputs (AV whitenoise) if they leave the areas (under GPS monitoring) they must operate in (like prison) or behave innapropriately.

Extreme dissidents are sensory blocked for extended periods.

Software is designed and uploaded to the nodes by humans adept in manipulating a language largely symolic and visual.


Apr 5, 2004
In 50 years.
- hardware will be 10^x times faster
- software will be 10^x times slower. In other words, nothing has changed.

- People will still be running Microsoft Windows (with the exception of some free software guerillas)
- the screen of death is green this time

- GNU HURD is still in development

- x86 is still annoying programmers

In 2038 a new Y2K-like bug appears. All the time-related functions in all UNIX systems fail, because the number of seconds since 1970 cannot be stored in an integer any more. This means you can't even login anymore, usually.
Bank machines start failing. People panic and try to get all they own out in cash. Banks only have 10% of that, so they fail. Massive financial panic. Rioting in the streets. Martial law. Intel and Microsoft are blamed (unfairly, of course) and forced to close down. Fast forward to 2057: things are OK again, but Intel isn't there. UNIX and Windows have been banned all over the world, except the Netherlands. Everybody runs Mac OS XXII.


Mar 22, 2001

This is probably the closest to the truth...unfortunately



Jul 11, 2001

Compared to a few decades ago, our cars are already supercomputers, but I see what you're saying. Some luxury vehicles already prevent crashes (auto breaking/seatbelt tightening, warning sounds, etc.), GPS linked to google already will show you the most congested roads for popular roads (another 3 years and google should have every road everywhere mapped fully). Cars can already park themselves. Flying presents lots of regulation issues - the technology to do it is already there, just not in a cheap package. Interesting ideas though.


Jul 11, 2001

With the increased rate of adoption and improvements that Windows server is seeing, we may not have Unix based machines in 2038. I think we'll have Linux based machines still, but considering the lack of personal lives in that community, they'll have everything fixed by 2038.

I think I'll revert to my former position.

If Oil Companies (representing the top F500 companies in the world) are now starting to buy up on tech stock like this then globally there is far less oil left than we thought.