Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (
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Not trying to impress anyone...just trying to prevent the braindead clueless
idiots like "unknown"
from spreading FUD, even when they are too stupid to know better.
"Unknown" <Unknown@Somewhere.Kom> wrote in message
> Who are you trying to impress?
> "NoNoBadDog!" <> wrote in message
> news:%23QDf4dztFHA.664@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
>> You have managed with a single post to display both your arrogance and
>> your ignorance.
>> "only off brands use the AMD" ???
>> Are you calling the following brands "off":
>> HP
>> Compaq
>> Gateway
>> Emachines
>> Averatec
>> Acer
>> Alienware
>> ABS
>> Cyberpower
>> Monarch
>> There are many others...
>> I hope no one listens to you for advice. If you believe what you posted,
>> then you are truly too uneducated to own a PC, much less give advice to
>> anyone.
>> Welcome to the killfile...hope you like it in there with all the other
>> ignorant street trash that gets put there.
>> Bobby
>> "Unknown" <Unknown@Somewhere.Kom> wrote in message
>> news:tbZUe.42$
>>> What are you an AMD employee? Give facts.
>>> "NoNoBadDog!" <> wrote in message
>>> news:uePFjiYtFHA.2912@TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
>>>> Kids....this is what happens when you use drugs! (See post by
>>>> "Unknown").
>>>> Bobby
>>>> "Unknown" <Unknown@Somewhere.Kom> wrote in message
>>>> news:zdnUe.1643$
>>>>> Smart money on AMD?????? Is that why the Pentium or Intel has about
>>>>> 75% of the market?. Is that why all the big PC manufacturers use the
>>>>> Pentium? Is that why Apple has switched to the Pentium? Only off
>>>>> brands use the AMD. (It's cheaper)
>>>>> "NoNoBadDog!" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:%23DlHriStFHA.2624@TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> "GreenieLeBrun" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Have a look at:-
>>>>>>> and for a comparison of a 3.2GHzP4 Vs a 3200+ Athlon (AMD) look at:-
>>>>>> I could just as easily post reviews that say just the
>>>>>> opposite...however AMD offers other advantages with its 64bit
>>>>>> platform...Direct Connect Architecture, Hypertransport Bus,
>>>>>> *Exclusive* L1 (data)/L2 cache, a CPU designed for 64 bit (as opposed
>>>>>> to a reworked P4 with only EM64T).
>>>>>> In everyday use, in the real world, AMD CPUs are faster due to a
>>>>>> combination of the processor and the architecture that supports it.
>>>>>> FWIW, you can find reviews on tomshardware that rate AMD CPUs better
>>>>>> than Intel, and others that rate Intel CPUs better than AMD. I guess
>>>>>> it depends on what kind of mood he is on a particular day.
>>>>>> Smart money is on AMD.
>>>>>> Bobby