Intel Reveals 16 New Sandy Bridge CPUs & Price Cuts

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The number of versions they have is MIND BOGGLING to say the least.

I have to say more choice is better, but maybe if they reduced the number of chip versions they produce maybe they could just offer the best ones for less and still make the same profit?
No. The chips come off the same lines. If they fail any of the testing, they are simply binned at a lower speed, smaller cache, fewer cores, or higher TDP.

Better to make some money on a chip than no money. Intel has been doing this since the 386DX days. It's the same thing AMD does with the X2 and X3 chips.
More thoughts. I agree that there seems to be a lot of versions, but most people just do not care. I do not say this disparagingly, but for most, a PC is an appliance, bought to do something they need or want to do.

For most of us here, all the versions do not matter either. If budget permits, the decision comes down to which "K" model to get.
bullcrap, no 2500k price cut....ill just keep waiting for bulldozer then....its only a couple more weeks....... And what is the crap with all the suffix letters? why would i pay the same for a 2500t as a 2500s?.... oh, and wheres the K edition i3's? Intel, your giving me nothing that i want and your naming convention is up sh*t creek.
I was wondering why there were such small price and performance gaps among the Celeron and Pentium processors. IMO, a gap of only $15-20 between the best and worst processor in the family would be pretty ridiculous otherwise. The quality-testing process sure explains a lot
I'm not really interested in any of these processors,may have been once on a tiny case type processor. What I was really looking forward to was some thing larger than the Core i7 2600 or 2600k. Bad Luck!
Who cares?

These processors are all clock-blocked anyways.

So, we'll take AMD becuase it performs better than the G630 for less, and because you can overclock and unlock it.

Sorry Intel, but it just doesn't matter with you anymore.
What Happened?

I thought that Intel's multi-billion dollar bribe/threat packages to retailers and manufacturers was enough to stifle AMD's growth?

INTEL the MONOPOLIST needs to discount chip prices - in addition to bribing and threatening manufacturers - like bribing Dell 6-billion dollars over the last decade?

Intel is such a cluster fudge company when it comes to their cpu marketing. I mean, really do they still need a Celeron or a Pentium anymore.... All that does is confuse the consumor even more, let alone trying to explain to the avg consumor what Core i7, i5 and i3 means. If intel was smart they would kill off the Pentium and Celeron names and use the Core i3 as their base product from now on.
Bulldozer will be behind i7 no matter what. Too bad

Yeah have fun spending 200+$ just to overclock a CPU and also enjoy those scratch cards to unlock hidden performance that's already in the silicon. Hell you can even overclock a semperon that cost 30$.

When the bulldozer comes out that's when you can say how fast it will be not before.

I still say Intel will lower the prices of the 2600k and the 2500K and they might even make a unlockable I3 when bulldozer comes out to fight it off until Sandy-E comes.
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