I still want to know what room full of idiots comes up with this crap? Nobody, not even intel knows what they are shipping out to people.
Who is going to wet their pants and say I got an awesome spanking I3-2130!? I bet only .5% of the people who own a i-whatever-the-F-it-Is even know what they have. They simple bought a PC at a price point and went with it.
Person A "What kind of PC do you have?"
Person B "An HP with an intel CPU that costs me $589.95 at Best Buy".
Person A "what makes it better than last years model"
Person B "I have no idea"
Seriously, look at the chart.
Core i7-2960XM 4 / 8 2.7 / 3.7 GHz 8 MB 650 / 1,300 MHz 55 W $ 1,096
Core i7 2860QM 4 / 8 2.5 / 3.6 GHz 8 MB 650 / 1,300 MHz 45 W $ 0,568
For the jump of 200Mhz... the idiot who buys this crap spends double. There is a huge change in the model number and character codes - then the only difference is 200Mhz? What does X and Q mean? Why 2960 and 2860? They have nothing to do with any relationship whatso-ever.
I think I figured it out. i7 CPUs have 4 cores and 8 threads! Thats it! Uh nope:
We have i3, i5 and i7 CPUs that 2 cores and 4 threads!
All these Fracking numbers and letters are useless! P4 3.2Mhz (simple). AMD is not a whole lot better lately. Lets see... "A8-3850"
A-Series = Desktop standard CPUs.
#- = Cores. "A4-" = 2 cores, "A5-" = 3 cores, "A6- & A8-" = 4 cores.
3 is the generatio (Think Athlon III I guess)
x0x = GPU tech. Hince... A6-3650 has slower GPU but faster CPU than the A8-3800.
Its possible to make some sense with that, but its STILL CRAP.
How to name an AMD CPU that most people can understand.
A3-XC##G A3 (Athlon III)-Xcores (XC) Ghz clock (##) GPU class (G)
While on paper the GPUs have a model number, (6410, 6530 6550 is meaningless) as they come with whatever goes with the CPU.
Mine (AMD) Why?
A3-X2250 (A4-3300) 2 cores, 2.5Ghz, standard GPU
A3-X4260 (A6-3650) 4 cores, 2.6Ghz, standard GPU (6530)
A3-X4295 (A8-3850) 4 cores, 2.9ghz, enhanced GPU (6550)
Tack on an M for Mobile and "L" for Low power when needed.
With THOSE kind of model numbers, you know what you're getting - mostly (nothing in Cache is needed in the model number)
So, if AMD went with my model numbers and came out next week with the A3-X4320 and a A3-x4365... you'd know that they were 4 cores with a 3.2Ghz and 3.6Ghz CPUs with the later being the better GPU as well.
AMD is not as bad as intel. And with Bulldozer, they have a chance to make better model numbers. P3-4300 (Phenom III) 4 core, 3.0Ghz standard GPU. The X is not really needed... but looks better to avg. joe, I think.
Meanwhile with i3, i5, i7 - you're not going to know how many cores and whatever else you're getting without a decoder ring and chart. For me, its a turn off.