Biscuit42 :
To interpret: Intel feels they are so far out ahead of AMD there's no point in rushing innovation any longer.
Can you name even a single chip designer or manufacturer which has a CPU architecture anywhere near as mature as Intel's who fares any better than Intel in improving their chips even further? You might be tempted to blurt out "ARM" but ARM is still catching up on well-known CPU performance optimizations that have been in desktop and server CPUs for 10+ years, so I would not count ARM A72 as mature yet.
Performance stagnation due to current chip fabrication process and material limits is not unique to Intel. It is affecting the whole semiconductor industry and CPUs, regardless of ISA, are getting hit worse due to the generally sequential nature of software. While there may be alternate fabrication processes and material available right now, most are far more expensive than silicon and would not be economically viable until more research is done to either bring costs down or find entirely new processes and materials.