News Intel's 14-Core i9-9990XE Auctioned for $2,300, More Benchmarks Posted


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May 16, 2016
Courtesy of Puget Systems, we're slowly learning more about Intel's 14-core Core i9-9990XE. This new processor is certainly a rare breed of the company's highest performing silicon, but it doesn't even have a publicly listed product sheet. That's because Intel has only made the processor available to key OEMs in a secret online auction, with the prize chips going to the highest bidder. Read more here.

Paul Alcorn is a Senior Editor for Tom's Hardware US. He writes news and reviews on CPUs, storage and enterprise hardware.
good article. Also reinforces my idea and belief that the mid to low end new Skylake-X chips can be really good. Picking up the Core i9-9920-X or 9940-X, good water cooling, and being able to overclock it should give people great results. I don't have the money to upgrade as often as a lot of others, so I like sticking with the HED. I went from a 2600K, to a 5930k, upgraded to the 6850k by Intel. I was able to overclock it to 4.6GHz, and a 6 core CPU at that speed was able to remain close to top of the heap for quite a long time. I'd really love to see some good reviews on those two CPUs with overclocking.