Question Internal SSD screw stripped -- how to remove?

Mar 23, 2025
Hello all -- I have a M2 screw for the internal SSD slot that's not coming out.

I tried the following thread's solutions (hammer, rubber band. pliers) but those didn't work. So I finally arrived at drilling out the head with a 2mm drill bit thinking it would split the shaft. The head has been removed, but the shaft is still in the socket and hasn't split. I need to remove the shaft from the socket. I am cautious about drilling further to prevent damage to the slot.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Please see image
I'm not sure. Could be friction fit or screwed standoff. It's from a Lenovo 15IRX9 i7

But based on the ebay picture of the back view there's no way of telling
My thinking was.. if screwed in .. get a repair shop to remove it and swap it with the one in the middle. Same if it is soldered. Neither is a fix I would like to try myself because of the probability of secondary damage.
My thinking was.. if screwed in .. get a repair shop to remove it and swap it with the one in the middle. Same if it is soldered. Neither is a fix I would like to try myself because of the probability of secondary damage.
Ok thanks, I'll ask around. Replacing the component would be ideal.

Another option I was considering was file down the shaft to make it flush with the socket, then just tape down the SSD with electrical tape. Is that a viable solution?