Question Internet crashes when playing minecraft

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Jun 15, 2019
I recently made my own minecraft server with portforwarding. When I want to join the server my server can't keep up the system and I'm getting kicked out. And then my internet stops working. Have to wait until the modem resets and then I've internet again. This happens everytime I join the server. What to do?
The problem was that I created a loop on my own network so my internet went down. I had to join my IPV4 adres with my port behind it. And other players from outside of my network have to join with my global ip adres.
This is the fix for me.
Hi! I also got the same problem. It started a few weeks ago. I use my own Minecraft server really often, and everything is worked for 3 years now. But now, the only chance to connect is to connect with localhost and let the external Ip to the others, or switch my router to modem mode. But then the Wifi doesn't work. The only problem, is my little brother because the localhost only works with one of us I don't know why. And now we can't play together anymore, I will be glad if someone can find a solution or the cause of this problem. I using a UPC ConnectBox Router. Thanks
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