Question Internet cutting out because of a problem with the motherboard?


Aug 25, 2016
Hello to everyone, I am having a rather weird problem. My internet cuts out for a good 10 seconds when I play a YouTube video (happens 1 out of 10 times with short videos and like 1 in 5 times with longer videos) or when I download a torrent, or when I upload content like streaming on Twitch or Discord. Only happens in those circumstances, rest is fine, can play 4k videos on other platforms and can download without a problem on Steam or Epic.

My other computer that is connected to the same router has no issues like this at all, and when it happens on my computer, internet on the other computer is fine and works perfectly, so does on my smartphone that is connected to the wifi. Switching and changing the ethernet cables changed nothing, and changing the ports in the router did nothing as well. My ISP tried to fix it but even they don't know why that is happening.

The only thing that comes to mind is that is something wrong with the motherboard, which in my case is an MSI B85M-P33 with an Intel i7 4770 CPU and 8GB of dual channel 1600hz RAM. I do not have another motherboard for that socket to test, so I am asking you educated people on here if you know what can be done to narrow down the problem with the motherboard.
What BIOS version are you on for your motherboard? How are you tethered tot he router/ISP?
The BIOS version is v4.2 I think, after typing "wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion" in the command prompt.

I am connected to my router with a normal ethernet cable going from my PC to the router, The other computer is connected in the same way.

Fair enough, but how is that the issue when I have had this motherboard for 2 or 3 years so far and no issues were occurring with the internet, nothing was changed at all, just randomly started happening.

I'll still see how and update the bios today. Will I have to update step by step or can I just update to the latest version?