randomizer :
He said nobody with common sense uses IE, not just nobody. I think estimating that only 30% of people have common sense is quite reasonable.
Yeah, but the way he says it just sounds like "you're all thick and im so superior", and he wonders why every comment he posts gets thumbed down?
There are plenty of smart people who use all browsers and plenty of idiots too.
The fact that you use a particular browser isn't the cause of being an idiot, neither does using an alternate make you smarter.
Also, all this hatred and loathing is about less than 1% of the browsers actual function, "I dont like where the tabs are, I dont like toolbars, I dont like flash-ads", well boo-hoo, you cant please everyone and most of that stuff is user-changable as well, no browser has a built in Ad Blocker either, everyone has to download one.
Does the web browser actually display the website you are going to? - yes, they all do.
Car analogy? I'll buy Ford instead of GM because I dont like the rub of the carpet in the trunk.
Last time I checked all the browsers were free for users. The creators may well get money from ad-revenue but it's not like anyone twists my arm to buy anything. But advertisers at least know how to get a message across and saying that Burger King is better than McDonalds because they flame grill the burgers to taste better is a lot more effective than Coke saying that if you drink Pepsi you must be really stupid.