
Aug 1, 2012
Hello everyone on Tom's Hardware! I am somewhat new to this topic, which is why I am asking and I may also get some words/terms wrong :). I am wondering if it is possible for me to connect to the internet, but not wirelessly, as the router is literally on the other end of the house, but not by having a 25 meter cable running through the entire house either. The router is connected through the phone jack, and I was told it had to be the first one coming into the house, which is why it is where my computer is not :mad:. Now, I have a few solutions for this, although I am not sure if anything will actually work. One, is getting ANOTHER router in the phone jack in my room, and then getting an ethernet cable from that into my computer... Another idea, is just getting a cable straight from my wall going into my computer. As I said, I am still new to this and not sure if anything will really work. My internet connection is HORRIBLE and I'd really appreciate some help :D.

the only way would be to relocate the DSL into your room. you need to connect through the modem/router to get internet.

if they did not run a separate line for the DSL, connect the modem/router to the phone jack in your room sometimes the same pair of wires is connected on all jacks.


Aug 1, 2012

okay thanks for the help! :D