Is intel screwing everybody ?

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Mar 1, 2009
i've been reading alot about the core i5 and it seems that even the cheapest i5 750 can keep up with the core i7 920 and in some cases beat it. i don't know about you guys but i am feeling like intel screwed everybody that bought the core i7 cpu. at the time(when released) i paid 300+ for the i7 plus 300 for a x58 board plus another 180 or so on tripple channel memory(6GB @1600Mhz) now(a year later) a $200 cpu can keep up and sometimes surpase my i7 on cheaper components, whys is that? like i said i am feeling alittle screwed by intel, anyone else feeling the same way?

Well if its starting at 45nm then the reason they can sell them so cheap is easy. It only has a dual channel DDR3 controller so that cuts some off the CPU, 45nm has been around for Intel since 2008 thus the yields are much better than before which means more CPUs per wafer and lowering the cost per CPU.

I believe the Lynnfield (1156 quad) CPUs actually have a larger die than Bloomfield (1366 quad). The memory controller is smaller, and there's no QPI, but the PCI-E controller more than makes up for that.

See this for a picture of both dies to scale:

So Lynnfield is almost as large die size wise as a Kentsfield C2Q. Man that PCIe controller takes up a lot of space.....

But still the process node for 45nm has had a year+ of time so I would still assume that thats why its cheaper to start due to much better yields than when Core i7 was out.

Unfortunately, that's the kind of thing I would get fired for. If I say Q2'10 and it shows up in Q1'10, tech press can claim "Intel fears [competitive chip] and pulls in Gulftown by a quarter, says insider" and the stock price goes down; if it shows up in Q3'10 I'll get, "Gulftown pushed out by a quarter due to unforeseen delays"... and the stock price goes down.

Best just to let PR and the press releases do the talking.

Why didnt they include the 860 in those tests? Would have been nice to see the difference between the 750 and 860 .......

Why well that is simple they are selling them for what they paid for them with no margin of profit or loss hoping that when you are there that you buy more stuff.

Here's a great article where they actually test the Intel Core i7 860 against the Intel Core i5 750 and Intel Core i7 870 as well as the very popular Intel Core i7 920 and the fastest Intel Core i7 975 Extreme as well as the fastest Intel core 2 quad chip and AMD'S fastest CPU the 965 BE

Its a pretty nice little article I enjoyed reading it.

nice !!! 😉

The 860 looks very fast according to that info.... Significantly faster than the 750 ......

Yeah its basically just SLIGHTLY slower than the 870 which honestly makes the 870 seem like a rather stupid thing to buy due to the fact its basically twice as much money as the 860 and isn't really that much faster. I'm pretty sure thats part of the reason Intel didn't send a lot of the testers the 860 to test with.

Because from what a lot of people said Intel either didn't send them a i7 860 at all, or they didn't send it until a little while after they sent the other ones. But I'm just gathering that from what a few sources said and the fact that I noticed the 860 is basically just as fast as the 870 thus the reason it would make since for Intel to do what they did. Although I could be wrong since I'm really just guessing.

Yea, Intel is nuts.... If the price of the 870 was in the 399.99$ range, they would sell a hell lot more CPU's and make a ton a money... Really never understood their pricing scheme, look at the 975 in those tests, that's ridiculous specially knowing that the chip is priced at 1k....

Yea but the 975 is not the greatest overclocker.. If you could get 8Ghz out of a 1k CPU then I would [:lectrocrew:5]

How ironic is it that you can actually get 8Ghz with a 50.00$ P4 but not even close with a 1k CPU? Kinda sucks heh?

What Randomzer is trying to tell ya is that take advantage of them pricing things that way, instead of buying the 1k one simply buy the 870 or the 860 or the good ole intel core i7 920 and overclock it till ya drop it !!!! 😛

The headache I have this morning as I'm getting ready is making me regret last nights choices LOL