I bought a new desktop a few weeks ago. When it arrived I noticed the Hard Drive was causing a lot of problems and it was slow. I've made a couple of posts on here about the drive itself and I hope this is my final one.
I've collected a few diagnostics, tested a few things and now I'm making this post.
This is how everything went:
Last week I was trying to download stuff onto the Hard Drive but downloads were stopping and starting repeatabily and taking a long time even for small files like images (At first I thought it was the internet but I have 500mbps download speed). Decided to post about the drive and ask if the problem was the cable. One kind person told me to use HDTune and see what the results were. These were the results last week on the 18th:
View: https://imgur.com/a/3qZsH4C
View: https://imgur.com/a/rwLsPet
After posting the results, said person told me the reallocated sector count was way above what a new drive should be.
So in response, I contacted the retailer (which I have to point out that I've never had problems with their products and usually buy anything computer related from them), showed them the results, they agreed to take it back and do their tests.
Yesterday, I get a message from them saying they did their tests and the drive is working perfectly and there's no problem with it. This made me slightly irritated as what I tested did show problems and was also unusable due to how slow it was. They sent it and today, a couple of hours ago, the drive arrived.
So I plugged it back to the computer, and lo and behold partition wizard showed the drive as a "Bad Disk".
View: https://imgur.com/a/H6N8EQI
Tried fixing it, after restarting the computer and this is how the drive currently shows up on there.
View: https://imgur.com/a/CWjeI3G
Yesterday upon receiving the answer from the retailer I decided to ask if a Sata cable can change the results about reallocated sectors. To which I was told no and of course it would make sense not to change as the results are from the drive itself not the connection. Is that thread another kind person told me to use Seagate's own tool to verify the hard drive.
Here are the results:
View: https://imgur.com/a/IfUkZiO
View: https://imgur.com/a/wNCqCgy
View: https://imgur.com/a/ybBdxUE
After seing that apparently everything was fine, I decided to test again on HDTune.
Here are the results:
View: https://imgur.com/a/tP5kCAo
View: https://imgur.com/a/D619S8g
It still shows a large ammount of reallocated sectors, not only that but the number itself grew from 33k to 41k and yet the Health status still shows up as "OK".
After all these tests I decided to be more practical and see what would happen when trying to install something. First thing that came to mind was Steam. The instalation itself was actually quite quick, I was not expecting that and made me think that it was actually working correctly. Upon opening Steam I had to install an update, and that's when something very familiar happened. It took over 10 minutes to download a really small update, like a few MBs small. Not only that but installing the update was taking so long, absurdly long even, that I had to cancel the installation.
I noticed also during this installation that my HDD was running at 100% and 0kb/s were being written. I was able to screen record it when it was installing steam.
Here's what it looked like (sorry my Windows is in portuguese):
View: https://imgur.com/a/2MTUzxn
This was all of the tests I was able to make before ripping my hair from my head.
So, the question is, is this hard drive working correctly? I know it's a SMR drive, but I don't really understand it's implications on speed.
Can these problems be caused by a bad Sata cable? Is the drive basically dead even though SMART scans show it as OK?
I'm hoping this is my last post as it's becoming quite annoying to not have a place to store my data. And sorry for the gigantic post.
I've collected a few diagnostics, tested a few things and now I'm making this post.
This is how everything went:
Last week I was trying to download stuff onto the Hard Drive but downloads were stopping and starting repeatabily and taking a long time even for small files like images (At first I thought it was the internet but I have 500mbps download speed). Decided to post about the drive and ask if the problem was the cable. One kind person told me to use HDTune and see what the results were. These were the results last week on the 18th:
View: https://imgur.com/a/3qZsH4C
View: https://imgur.com/a/rwLsPet
After posting the results, said person told me the reallocated sector count was way above what a new drive should be.
So in response, I contacted the retailer (which I have to point out that I've never had problems with their products and usually buy anything computer related from them), showed them the results, they agreed to take it back and do their tests.
Yesterday, I get a message from them saying they did their tests and the drive is working perfectly and there's no problem with it. This made me slightly irritated as what I tested did show problems and was also unusable due to how slow it was. They sent it and today, a couple of hours ago, the drive arrived.
So I plugged it back to the computer, and lo and behold partition wizard showed the drive as a "Bad Disk".
View: https://imgur.com/a/H6N8EQI
Tried fixing it, after restarting the computer and this is how the drive currently shows up on there.
View: https://imgur.com/a/CWjeI3G
Yesterday upon receiving the answer from the retailer I decided to ask if a Sata cable can change the results about reallocated sectors. To which I was told no and of course it would make sense not to change as the results are from the drive itself not the connection. Is that thread another kind person told me to use Seagate's own tool to verify the hard drive.
Here are the results:
View: https://imgur.com/a/IfUkZiO
View: https://imgur.com/a/wNCqCgy
View: https://imgur.com/a/ybBdxUE
After seing that apparently everything was fine, I decided to test again on HDTune.
Here are the results:
View: https://imgur.com/a/tP5kCAo
View: https://imgur.com/a/D619S8g
It still shows a large ammount of reallocated sectors, not only that but the number itself grew from 33k to 41k and yet the Health status still shows up as "OK".
After all these tests I decided to be more practical and see what would happen when trying to install something. First thing that came to mind was Steam. The instalation itself was actually quite quick, I was not expecting that and made me think that it was actually working correctly. Upon opening Steam I had to install an update, and that's when something very familiar happened. It took over 10 minutes to download a really small update, like a few MBs small. Not only that but installing the update was taking so long, absurdly long even, that I had to cancel the installation.
I noticed also during this installation that my HDD was running at 100% and 0kb/s were being written. I was able to screen record it when it was installing steam.
Here's what it looked like (sorry my Windows is in portuguese):
View: https://imgur.com/a/2MTUzxn
This was all of the tests I was able to make before ripping my hair from my head.
So, the question is, is this hard drive working correctly? I know it's a SMR drive, but I don't really understand it's implications on speed.
Can these problems be caused by a bad Sata cable? Is the drive basically dead even though SMART scans show it as OK?
I'm hoping this is my last post as it's becoming quite annoying to not have a place to store my data. And sorry for the gigantic post.