Question Is my Case fans intalled correctly?

Jul 15, 2024
So i decided to do some cleaning and had to dismantle the case and the fans too, i was an idiot and didnt check wich position they were in so now idk if my pc is overheating since temps are reaching high levels like CPU 90c and GPU 78-80c, so how do i check if my fans are set up correctly? SINCE U CANT POST IMAGES, ill describe them to u, the front of paddles are facing the front for both cases


So i decided to do some cleaning and had to dismantle the case and the fans too, i was an idiot and didnt check wich position they were in so now idk if my pc is overheating since temps are reaching high levels like CPU 90c and GPU 78-80c, so how do i check if my fans are set up correctly? SINCE U CANT POST IMAGES, ill describe them to u, the front of paddles are facing the front for both cases
The rule of thumb is fans in the front blowing toward the back. Fans in the back or top blowing outward.
Jul 15, 2024
So i decided to do some cleaning and had to dismantle the case and the fans too, i was an idiot and didnt check wich position they were in so now idk if my pc is overheating since temps are reaching high levels like CPU 90c and GPU 78-80c, so how do i check if my fans are set up correctly? SINCE U CANT POST IMAGES, ill describe them to u, the front of paddles are facing the front for both cases
these are the photos of my fan settup



You can post images if you use something like imagur. What do you mean the of paddles are facing front for both cases? What cases? How many fans and where are they placed?
Jul 15, 2024
The rule of thumb is fans in the front blowing toward the back. Fans in the back or top blowing outward.
these are the photos of my fan settup



both are pushing air outside and air comes out of the back one (openings) since the front one has a cover there and im asuming it cant push air out that way since teres a cover there
Looks like you've got the front set to intake and back exhaust which is how you'd generally want them setup.

It does sound like things are running a bit hot, but without knowing room temperature and what your hardware is it's hard to say whether or not they're a problem.

Can see what the PSU and cooler are, but otherwise CPU/Motherboard/Memory/Case/total number of fans (I'm guessing just the single intake and exhaust) would be what we need to know.