Is my CPU damaged?? PLEASE READ!!!!


May 3, 2012
Not sure If I can post pics here, but, I bought a intel I5 2500K from FRYS electronics.. along with 4-16 corsair ram. I was still working when i went to the store, I was going to wait till I got home to open the stuff. I was doing a door tag for a customer who was not home. I had to wait onsite for 45 min, before i could leave. SOOOOO, i open the i5 to look what was in the box.. and read instructions to kill time!!!

LOW AND BEHOLD, my cpu was chipped on the coner with the chipboard split. This was a factory sealed box!! :fou:
looks like it was dropped on the corner, but the gold part did not seem to be damaged. I called back within the hour to tell them I was bringing it back. I talked to a manager and he said NO REFUNDS or exchanges, But he would look at it.

Are these sensitive Items?? should I worry, or take FRYS to small claims court?? I did a review on google and it appears It happens all the time!!
If all the gold contacts are still in alignment and it look like they will stay make proper contact and as long as you can seat it in the landing grid array and properly close it you should be fine.
I had a chip that had been dropped on it's corner and one corner was all bent up and it still worked completely normally. This is my experience, but it doesn't mean that yours will work. Best you can do is try it out I think.
Thanks, I was not sure if they were sensitive to shock from being dropped or however the chip happen. I really cant believe frys told me to eat dirt though!! 😱 Intel needs to up their QC!!

I planned on going back tomorrow to talk to a manager in person!! I will post results tomorrow nite. :)
It would be real BS for them to not replace it. I read this same thing on one of there reviews. The guy did not get a replacement. I feel the same will happen to me. But we will see.. I never knew frys had SO MUCH NEGATIVE for reviews, and selling damaged products.
went back to frys next day. they did not want to exchange.. they were loaded with people with refunds.. Im not the kind to cause a scene!!! but when I did, I walked out with a new replacement :wahoo: .. Thanks all! :hello: