Question Is My RX 560 4GB Graphics Card Under Performing?

May 31, 2019

So I have a Sapphire Pulse RX 560 4GB OC (6-Pin Connector) and in games, It uses about 39 Watts of Power.

I dont know if it Is any Good.

Could It Be a Faulty Card? Im gonna post some pictures later on In This Post.

My PC Specs are:

Motherboard: Aorus B450M
Processor : Ryzen 3 1200 @ 3.1Ghz (Overclocked to 3.4, Gonna up it more)

Graphics Card : Sapphire Pulse Rx 560 4GB OC

Ram : 8GB Corsair Vengeance @ 2400 Mhz (Overclocked to 2666, If I Can, I'll do more)

Storage : Kingston 240GB SSD

Monitor : Technika (idk the specs of this)

Pictures of "underperforming" :

Rainbow Six Siege Settings:

Texture Quality : High
Texture Filtering : Anisotropic 4X
LOD Quality : High
Shading Quality : Medium
Shadow Quality : High
Reflection Quality : Medium
Ambient Occlusin : SSBC
Zoom-In Depth of Field : On
Anti-Aliasing : T-AA
Render Scaling : 100% (1920x1080)
T-AA Sharpness : 100%
Video Memory Used : 2.4 GB / 4.0 GB

Link to the Picture :
Okay...Is it just "Rainbow Six Siege" game that is under-performing, or even other PC titles ?
Im not really sure, my irl friend has around 200 fps at lowest, 720p or 1080p 100/50 render scaling, 100/50 t-aa sharpness and I get around 78-88 fps average on benchmark, in game it can drop down to 60.
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You've got quite a lot of high settings on for an entry-level GPU. Have you verified that your friend is using the exact same texture/shadow/etc. settings?
Yes, I have. I've seen his settings. He sent me a picture of him using low settings, 100 render scaling, 100 T-AA Sharpness and him having around 300 fps on 720p, lowest settings but on my side, i get around 160, with my CPU Being Overclocked to 3.6 Ghz from 3.1 Ghz, my ram being Overclocked to 2800 from 2400 and my gpu being overclocked by 100-150 Mhz
It's hard what to make of the situation then. If he's using lowest settings and you're using a mix of high settings (as in your list), then you're not comparing apples-to-apples. From what you say, he's not using identical settings overall, only in a few settings.
With 720p, lowest settings 100 render scaling 100 T-AA Sharpness I get around 160, he gets from 250 to 300
Run one of the classic benchmarks and check if the score fits with what is others get with the same card. If yes, your GPU is fine and would mean you and your friend are using different settings, knowingly or not.