Question Is my SSD faulty?


Feb 2, 2017
Hi everyone!

Recently I noticed that the games installed on this SSD load too slow, maybe after 10 minutes, which is absurd. Even PS2 games on PCSX2 emulator stutter which is unusual. The OS is not installed on this drive.
The model is ADATA SU650 and I used the ADATA tool and CrystalDiskInfo, but both don't show a problem. Perhaps there is something that I do not know about storage, SSDs especially. I'll provide two screenshots from these diagnostic tools:
Screenshots on Imgur

That sequential read is worrying me. I do want to mention that it seems read speeds are very slow, while writing seem fine. Games like Dead By Daylight (Unreal Engine 5) are unplayable on this drive, it takes forever to load anything, even the HUD loads slowly. Should I just remove the SSD from the PC and forget about it?

The model is ADATA SU650
I don't know what you're expecting from that SSD but the SU650 isn't exactly a true candidate to be in the SU series. That drive is actually bottom of the barrel(before the SU630 and SU640 came to be, which are the lowest of the low).

Might want to see if the SSD is pending any firmware updates but in all honesty the SSD itself is a slow one.
Can you also show screenshot from Disk Management?
And screenshot from Task Manager - Performance/Memory - section?

If you have placed pagefile onto SU650 and your system is low on ram,
then this will impact performance of the drive.
I have another 1TB M2. SSD from Kingston and I use that for pagefile. I have 16GB RAM and I usually don't reach maximum usage anyway. Here is a screenshot from Disk Management, I could post a screenshot from Task Manager, but not sure if it helps because I'm not playing anything at the moment. Screenshot
The model is ADATA SU650
I don't know what you're expecting from that SSD but the SU650 isn't exactly a true candidate to be in the SU series. That drive is actually bottom of the barrel(before the SU630 and SU640 came to be, which are the lowest of the low).

Might want to see if the SSD is pending any firmware updates but in all honesty the SSD itself is a slow one.
I know it's a cheap SSD, but it's not usable in this state. There are no firmware updates. This SSD feels slower than my WD Blue HDD 🤣
I see.
Then you may want to check with Resource Monitor - disk section and see,
what process is reading/writing to the D : drive.

3MB/s read rate is not normal.
Some background process is most likely continuously performing massive reads.
I opened Resource Monitor and checked all drivers. Only C: drive is being utilized, because that's where Windows and the main programs are installed. I've got only PC games on that ADATA SSD. Honestly, I think that's just how this SSD is. It worked well for a year I think, then read speeds became very slow.