is my xp2600 dieing or what?


Dec 5, 2004
Hi all.

my xp2600 TB2 has been OC to about 2300mhz from the standard 2080mhz for ages maybe for a year, with 1.7volt, lately the temp has started to increase until the system just crashes or blue screens.

I clean the heatsink regularly fan works a ok its the aero jet, so thats not the problem. abient temp is 29`c so thats not the problem. I have even clocked it down to 2080 and volteges down to 1.625. no effect.

my cpu stays above 50 or lowest 48`c, the cpu dies at 58`C i have to crank every fan to the highest setting to play games.

Is it dieing?
Time to load MBM5, in logging mode. I would suspect n bridge, or v-regs before chip. When a chip fails, it usually does it all at once.
You might also want to take a look at your capacitors, make sure they're OK.
I would suggest you remove the cooler, clean off the old thermal paste & put some fresh paste on...

Trust me I know what I'm doing... ooops, grab the cat...
=o Whats a mankey? Is this more of your gay literation? J/k!! =P

Current machines running F@H:
AMD: [64 3500+][64 3000+][2500+][2000+][1.3x1][366]
Intel: [X 3.0][P4 3.0][P4 2.4x5][P4 1.4]

"...and i'm not gay" RX8 -Greatest Quote of ALL Time
I think he's in denial. Bet he went to the "Other" and Wingding savagely violated his chocolate love sphincter. Now he secretly longs for the next torrid encounter with the donkey violator! :evil:

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>

Current machines running F@H:
AMD: [64 3500+][64 3000+][2500+][2000+][1.3x1][366]
Intel: [X 3.0][P4 3.0][P4 2.4x5][P4 1.4]

"...and i'm not gay" RX8 -Greatest Quote of ALL Time

awaits rebuttal...=P

there's no end to the pun we can have

Current machines running F@H:
AMD: [64 3500+][64 3000+][2500+][2000+][1.3x1][366]
Intel: [X 3.0][P4 3.0][P4 2.4x5][P4 1.4]

"...and i'm not gay" RX8 -Greatest Quote of ALL Time
lol thats a good one my gay lover.
I was wondering if you were ever going to stand up adn let the world know about the love we share. Finally I can get some sort of satisfaction out of this relationship!
its a british word for its gone really friggin sh1t it looks like sh1t and it looks like Rugger`s Face.
You'll have to excuse me, but I speak American - not British.

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>
You can call me whatever you want now Honey!

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>
have you seen how many times this thread has been viewed, there must be a lot of people waiting to open up about how they really feel. LOL
I hadn't noticed taht until you said it! Have a lover's spat and every gossip on the block wants to put their ear to the proverbial door. :wink: There's definitely a population that needs to be set free!

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>