I've finally upgraded to i7 4790k which I honestly thought was gonna be a killer, but now I'm not so sure
So my issue is that, Battlefield 1 is gonna serve as an example, with my gtx 1070 zotac mini, which is I think pretty strong GPU for newer titles like bf1(though it's not new it has pretty high requirements) but I don't have any knowledge about computers so correct me if I'm wrong, I have 8gb of ram and my motherboard is ASUS h97 pro gamer and I don't have SSD yet(though I don't think it influences FPS), just for the record
Getting straight to the problem, I expected to have a really high performance, as I'm playing on the lowest possible settings in bf1 I thought I'd see something around 200fps, and to my disappointment it's been sitting at around I believe 90-120fps depending on Field of View
As I said I don't really have knowledge about this sort of stuff so I don't know if I was hoping for something impossible to get in this price range, or is something wrong with my PC?
I have a little bonus question, is field of view supposed to influence mouse input lag? because at the highest FOV possible it was kinda unplayable, annoying to say the least, and I thought I'd get rid of any significant input lag in games like bf1 or The division 2 with my new processor, not that I'd want to play at highest FOV, I think around 90 horizontally is enough, but I do feel a difference between whatever standard FOV horizontally is and the 90 degrees I wanted to use
also, if I'd ever want to get 144hz monitor, to get the most out of it, would it also mean that I'd have to upgrade either CPU or GPU again?
I've finally upgraded to i7 4790k which I honestly thought was gonna be a killer, but now I'm not so sure
So my issue is that, Battlefield 1 is gonna serve as an example, with my gtx 1070 zotac mini, which is I think pretty strong GPU for newer titles like bf1(though it's not new it has pretty high requirements) but I don't have any knowledge about computers so correct me if I'm wrong, I have 8gb of ram and my motherboard is ASUS h97 pro gamer and I don't have SSD yet(though I don't think it influences FPS), just for the record
Getting straight to the problem, I expected to have a really high performance, as I'm playing on the lowest possible settings in bf1 I thought I'd see something around 200fps, and to my disappointment it's been sitting at around I believe 90-120fps depending on Field of View
As I said I don't really have knowledge about this sort of stuff so I don't know if I was hoping for something impossible to get in this price range, or is something wrong with my PC?
I have a little bonus question, is field of view supposed to influence mouse input lag? because at the highest FOV possible it was kinda unplayable, annoying to say the least, and I thought I'd get rid of any significant input lag in games like bf1 or The division 2 with my new processor, not that I'd want to play at highest FOV, I think around 90 horizontally is enough, but I do feel a difference between whatever standard FOV horizontally is and the 90 degrees I wanted to use
also, if I'd ever want to get 144hz monitor, to get the most out of it, would it also mean that I'd have to upgrade either CPU or GPU again?