[SOLVED] Is SLI possible


Jul 9, 2016
Hi everyone, im currently running my 970 by itself, but my friend just bought a new pc and said hed give me his old 970 aswell. My first question is, im running the 4gb msi gtx 970 and he has the stock 4gb gtx 970, will they be compatable, then my next question is, with my cpu (i5 4690k) is it even worth it, or will there be hard bottleneck. Then another issue is power, i have 750w G+ PSU but unsure if thats even slightly enough. Then will i need to oc my cpu again, i did have it ocd at around 4.4 ghz but then decided to just reset it to base clock as i didnt have much of a need to have it ocd. Sorry for all the questions, thanks if you can help! My pc is relatively old but im still able to play games that release in 2020 n stuff so not too bothered, just considering it with the extra power.
SLi is not supported anymore.
No driver support will be given by NVIDIA for it anymore, and games need to support it themselves, which no games will actually do.
The list of games that currently support it is on nvidia's site, and you can count it on both hands.
You can do it but it’s not really worth it. SLI support died a while back and even before then it was sketchy. You’ll likely see nothing to maybe a slight bump in performance, maybe even worse performance in SLI. Also you’ll still only have 3.5GB of VRAM
SLi is not supported anymore.
No driver support will be given by NVIDIA for it anymore, and games need to support it themselves, which no games will actually do.
The list of games that currently support it is on nvidia's site, and you can count it on both hands.
SLi is not supported anymore.
No driver support will be given by NVIDIA for it anymore, and games need to support it themselves, which no games will actually do.
The list of games that currently support it is on nvidia's site, and you can count it on both hands.
You can do it but it’s not really worth it. SLI support died a while back and even before then it was sketchy. You’ll likely see nothing to maybe a slight bump in performance, maybe even worse performance in SLI. Also you’ll still only have 3.5GB of VRAM
Thank you so much guys, a shame, guess ill just have to upgrade my pc lol. Ran cold war zombies fine so ill give it another year or two