Question Is the amd rx580 compatible with my asus prime b450m-a

Oct 29, 2022
I have been wanting to get myself a new gpu recently and came across the rx 580. My motherboard is the asus prime b450m-a and I was just wondering if anyone knows if its compatible. any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
I don't know the market 'over there' but consider that there is Vega, Radeon, RX 5xxx and 6xxx released since then. I would search to see if any of the newer models are available at your price point and then compare performance via search, PSU requirements by search and consider which way to go. The 580 was released in 2017 amd was commonly used to mine during the first crypto craze and early in the latest. It is highly possible that you get a very tired/damaged card.
sorry for a double reply but ive done a quick search and came across a 6500 xt for around £180 (roughly 210 usd). is this something i should go for? As you can probably tell im not very smart when it comes to gpus so any help would be appreciated
The issue I see in a quick look really has to do with the all over price points for the low to mid end tier of GPU. I notice that a 5500 XT and the 580 are very close in performance. The 5500 XT is far newer, but seems also like it's priced fairly poorly unless you happen to score a deal.

The 580 was a legendary card and I still feel like it would be good for low/mid settings at 60 frames. I just don't know where one could be purchased without the specter of that hard use. Funny enough, price wise new on Amazon it is easier to find a cheaper 6600 than a 5600 as well as some of the 5500 XT versions.
so if i can find a 580 thats new and unused for a reasonable price I should go for it?

edit: i don't really need to have high graphics so low/mid at 60fps is perfectly fine for me
I know you spec desire for an AMD card, but think it might be worthwhile to take a look at the higher end 900 series Nvidia cards as well. The 980 ti, which I understand should be available used in that price point performs well better. Your PSU would be borderline for that.

As I stated above, the 580 has been well known as a good choice in the market. If you can find one new that would be exceptional. Otherwise, I would only consider (used) sellers with very high and spotless feedback or rating.
if i can find a 580 thats new and unused for a reasonable price I should go for it?
Does not exist, has not existed for years at this point. Remember, we are basically in a post-mining market and anything and everything AMD/Radeon was swallowed whole in minutes.

That's going to be an issue with older cards, especially the radeon series, you have literally no idea of the abuse it has taken, regardless of seller claims no mining/no OC (right!) unless you know the seller personally and trust their word. Often a very good price can be a dead giveaway for a card being sold if the owner sees it as having potential issues and just wants rid of it asap.

2 parts I always will spend the cash to buy new. Gpus and psus. I want the warranty and trust that it is actually new and not abused or halfway dead already.