Is the SteelSeries Siberia Elite Prism good for FPS?

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Sep 19, 2014
I read a review that stated that the headset is good but not very good when it comes to sorround sound. I am interested in what you guys experience with this headset is, and wheather or not you would recommend it to me who plays lots of different games (in lots of genres) but probably most of all Counter-Strike: Global offensive, a FPS reliant on good sound awareness.

I know you can tweak the sound in the headset with the included software.

What do you think? :)
A lot of 'gamers' around Tom's would probably disagree with what I'm about to say, but the audiophile world won't. A gaming headset, in comparison to an actual pair of headphones, is not going to offer comparable audio quality. Ontop of that, 'surround sound' headsets with multiple drivers are just a gimmick, and will never sound better than a pair of good headphones at the same price point. As said by the guys over at Head-Fi:

I'm positive I'll cop a lot of flak for this, but by god this needs to stop. Beats aren't rubbish, that's true. But at it's price point, there are vastly superior offerings from lesser known brands. Gaming headsets similarly are mostly garish offerings from companies that know almost next to nothing...


A lot of 'gamers' around Tom's would probably disagree with what I'm about to say, but the audiophile world won't. A gaming headset, in comparison to an actual pair of headphones, is not going to offer comparable audio quality. Ontop of that, 'surround sound' headsets with multiple drivers are just a gimmick, and will never sound better than a pair of good headphones at the same price point. As said by the guys over at Head-Fi:

I'm positive I'll cop a lot of flak for this, but by god this needs to stop. Beats aren't rubbish, that's true. But at it's price point, there are vastly superior offerings from lesser known brands. Gaming headsets similarly are mostly garish offerings from companies that know almost next to nothing about creating a headphone. Plantronics, Steelseries, Turtle Beach are all brands to be avoided in regards to headphones. [ That being said, steelseries do make some epic peripherals that aren't headphones so props to them in that regard ].
All that being said, pick up a decent pair of headphones; if you absolutely need a mic, then at least go with something from a reputable brand within the audio industry and not something developed by the marketing department of some company that makes peripherals. Sennheiser, Shure, Audio-Technica, Beyerdynamic, AKG are all examples of reputable companies. Steelseries, Turtle Beach, Logitech, and Razer are not.


Nov 3, 2014
Hey BingoMingo,

I´m about to buy the headset myself and i asked my friend who got it about the quality . He says that it is the best he ever owned, and he plays CS:GO as well. It can be little heavy to wear for too long though :(
The headset should include a advanced engine software installation where u are able to switch the headset in different modes. I will defiantly buy this headset when i got money for it. Totally worth it, i heard :p


Sep 19, 2014

Thanks man!

I will totally take this into consideration. Havn't fully decided yet. :)


May 23, 2014
If you haven't bought these yet maybe you should consider something like AKG K612's or something along those lines. I just picked up a pair for about $130 and these things are amazing. I've been competitive gaming for many years and have been through tons of headsets/headphones. I have to say, these AKG's are freaking amazing when it comes to positional cue accuracy. The clarity is the best. I play CSGO as well as every other shooter around. Nothing beats these. I have also heard that Beyerdynamics dt990's are really good. Check this link from Head-fi. MAd Lust's headphone gaming guide. You can get some good info off of it. http://

I've used True 5.1 headsets and everything else. I have a set of Siberia v2 in the closet along with some Plantronic's and various other brands. Nothing compares to these K612's. But on a side note, I am using them with a Sound Blaster Z soundcard.


Nov 3, 2014
Now my Siberia Elite Prism has arrived. This headset is absolutely amazing, no doubt. I really love it.
Never felt so great to wear a headset before, the sound is incredible. My primary use is for CS:GO and it works perfect.

I will definitely recommend this one!!!!!


Jan 21, 2015
Hey there,

I've got both the steelseries siberia elite and the siberia elite prism.
Both are incredible for CS:GO with the 7.1 surround sound and the mic is definitely better in the elite prism. Even though it is virtual 7.1 surround, you are able to pinpoint where the enemies are while playing which has made a big difference in my gameplay. Also, if you want, I can post a comparison of both the headsets and a mic test.
Mar 6, 2015

Don't stereotype. While it's true for most gaming brands like razer (Astros are like beats. Ok, but too expensive for what they're worth), Steelseries' siberia line is different. They know their stuff about audio. One of the best sounding gaming headsets. Of course it worn't be as good as a $200 pair of headphones from, like, audio technica. But, as linus (from linustechtips) said, the headphones WON"T blow them out of the water, either. They also come with extra features like RGB lights and a mic and surround out of the box. Not everyone wants to have to add a modmic or install and figure out 3rd party eq and surround software (Which, btw, adds cost). For what they cost, I have to say I do recommend them. Also, you said gamer will disagree, but audiophiles won't. BingoMingo said he is a GAMER, so he SHOULD disagree with you


Mar 6, 2015

please do. I would like to know the differences



May 13, 2015
you want, I can post a comparison of both the headsets and a mic test.
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