Hello community.
About 1 month ago I have temperature problems on my 8700k, I got to the point of putting it under voltage and limiting my fps in games so that the temperatures do not go through the clouds (75-85 ° with a load of 25 to 35% in games)
I have already tried almost everything, like changing the thermal paste (artic mx-4 and thermal grizzly) and doing a deep cleaning of the radiator but my temperatures are still high.
My radiator is on top, but my question is, does the position of the hose sticking out of the pump have any influence? Right now I have them down, let's say at 6 o'clock if you look at a clock, I almost always see them in images that are on the sides of the bomb, that is, at 3 or 9 o'clock.
Will the position of these hoses affect performance? It's the only thing I need to test to see if my temperatures improve, or if something is directly wrong with the auraflow x360 cooling id aio (it's my first time with something Chinese and I think it will be the last time)
I await your answers and thank you for your time.
P/D: 1 year ago I have this AIO.
About 1 month ago I have temperature problems on my 8700k, I got to the point of putting it under voltage and limiting my fps in games so that the temperatures do not go through the clouds (75-85 ° with a load of 25 to 35% in games)
I have already tried almost everything, like changing the thermal paste (artic mx-4 and thermal grizzly) and doing a deep cleaning of the radiator but my temperatures are still high.
My radiator is on top, but my question is, does the position of the hose sticking out of the pump have any influence? Right now I have them down, let's say at 6 o'clock if you look at a clock, I almost always see them in images that are on the sides of the bomb, that is, at 3 or 9 o'clock.
Will the position of these hoses affect performance? It's the only thing I need to test to see if my temperatures improve, or if something is directly wrong with the auraflow x360 cooling id aio (it's my first time with something Chinese and I think it will be the last time)
I await your answers and thank you for your time.
P/D: 1 year ago I have this AIO.