[SOLVED] Is there any difference between 2600x and 3600 in fps with a gtx 1070?


Aug 7, 2016
Hello guys. I want to upgrade my rig and I plan to buy either a 2600x or a 3600 but I'm wondering if there will be any difference between these two CPUs in fps. My gpu is the gtx 1070. I will be gaming at 1080p. I will use my cpu ONLY for gaming. Thanks in advance.
At 1080p, I'd expect the IPC of the 3600 to perform slightly better - more likely in the 1% & .1%' lows of frames.... but it's not going to be night & day differences.
It's definitely a lot more than 1% difference at 1080p. Typically around 8-12% difference.

I think he was saying a difference in the 1% and .1% lows, meaning the lowest fps would be different. But it's not only that, but the average fps would be different as well. As I said around 8-12% different all around.
The video you sent me is with a rtx 2070. I don't have a rtx 2070, I have a gtx 1070. Are you sure that there's a difference with a 1070?
15% IPC + faster clocks...you tell me? (Faster clocks is based on fact they both have same base and boost clock, but the boost algorithm is based on power consumption and a 3600 will use less power @ same frequency)

IOTW: Yes it will be faster for sure. How much faster depends on the game, memory, and resolution settings.
Note, that YT video doesn't specific (as far as I can tell) RAM speed etc which, for a controlled "apples to apples" comparison, is worrying.

Lots of reviews out there of the 3600 and others that compare with the prior generation.
For example:

The 3600 is the better CPU for gaming, no doubt about it. But you're not looking at playable vs unplayable.

Depending on your region, a 2600X is typically available for about 3/4 the cost of a 3600 (~$150 vs $200), which makes it worth a look.
Equally, a 2600 can be OC'd to rival/match a 2600X for ~$120 (~60% the cost of a 3600). As a value proposition, the 2600 makes the most sense to me.

From a raw performance standpoint, especially at 1080p, the 3600 is a substantially better route to go.
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Note, that YT video doesn't specific (as far as I can tell) RAM speed etc which, for a controlled "apples to apples" comparison, is worrying.

Lots of reviews out there of the 3600 and others that compare with the prior generation.
For example:

The 3600 is the better CPU for gaming, no doubt about it. But you're not looking at playable vs unplayable.

Depending on your region, a 2600X is typically available for about 3/4 the cost of a 3600 (~$150 vs $200), which makes it worth a look.
Equally, a 2600 can be OC'd to rival/match a 2600X for ~$120 (~60% the cost of a 3600). As a value proposition, the 2600 makes the most sense to me.

From a raw performance standpoint, especially at 1080p, the 3600 is a substantially better route to go.
They 2600 is a great deal right now for $119. I'd definitely consider it if I was looking for a CPU on a budget.

The thing is, and to further your point, 10% difference with a GTX 1070 might only be 6-7fps if you are getting 60-70fps. Not that big of a difference.

I just think your first response made it sound like you said it was 1% or less in difference.
They 2600 is a great deal right now for $119. I'd definitely consider it if I was looking for a CPU on a budget.

The thing is, and to further your point, 10% difference with a GTX 1070 might only be 6-7fps if you are getting 60-70fps. Not that big of a difference.

I just think your first response made it sound like you said it was 1% or less in difference.

Good point. I just updated to clarify - I was talking in the 1% and 0.1% lows of frames, not stating it was ~1% in difference. The differences will vary title to title, but there will almost certainly be a measurable difference.
Note, that YT video doesn't specific (as far as I can tell) RAM speed etc which, for a controlled "apples to apples" comparison, is worrying.

Lots of reviews out there of the 3600 and others that compare with the prior generation.
For example:

The 3600 is the better CPU for gaming, no doubt about it. But you're not looking at playable vs unplayable.

Depending on your region, a 2600X is typically available for about 3/4 the cost of a 3600 (~$150 vs $200), which makes it worth a look.
Equally, a 2600 can be OC'd to rival/match a 2600X for ~$120 (~60% the cost of a 3600). As a value proposition, the 2600 makes the most sense to me.

From a raw performance standpoint, especially at 1080p, the 3600 is a substantially better route to go.
Ok thanks for the feedback. I would go for a 3600 if it was closer to 200€.