Question Is these stats/reportings for the CPU normal?


Jul 4, 2023
I was checking my cpu temperatures by using HWiNFO and checking if everything is normal. But i came to notice that the minimum of the Core Clock Speed are "798-797.7 mhz or 0.78-0.79 ghz" but the average is 4.5 ghz and when doing graphs and doing tasks like opening google chrome, and gaming i dont see it drop to 798 mhz in real-time. It just basically reports that the minimum is 798 mhz/0.78 ghz. And also while graphing the core clock it didnt once go 798 mhz/0.79 ghz not even once. the avg for the core clocks are fine 4.7 ghz but im just wondering why in apps such as HWiNFO and HWMONITOR it reports my minimum clock speed from 4.3 ghz before but now 798 mhz/0.79 ghz but i dont see it happen in real-time. It wont even say in task manager that it dropped to 0.78 ghz only on the two apps i mentioned as minimum clock its either one of the cores are a minimum to 0.79 ghz or some cores but some not.

Checking Task Manager nothing's wrong what could be causing this?

Back then it was like 4.3 ghz as minimum but now its 0.78-79 ghz as minimum. Maximum is 4.7 is this worrying? my cpu is not overheating, not thermal throttling or any other than that.
It's not a major issue it's just that it's reported as 0.78-79 ghz as minimum for Core Clock Speed.

If i reset the min and max reports it'll go minimum 4.3 ghz but after some time it turns into 0.79 ghz

Is there anything wrong with my pc? i reverted the bios settings to default just incase. but the saved changes to default werent nearly anything about CPU Clocks, Voltages it was just about TPM and enabling it.

Specs are:
i5 10600
GTX 1050 TI
Intel Stock Cooler
Prime H410M-E
1x8 Kingston Fury RGB No XMP (*But i did turn XMP on before and off and set Memory Frequency to 2666 MHZ but i reverted the settings back to their default option by pressing Default(F5) on EzMode ASUS Bios.

And it does not go stable 0.78-0.79 ghz its just that its reported as the "minimum" core clock speed doesnt go lower than that.

UPDATE: Some Cores for a second go to 798 MHZ/0.79 ghz but it happens fast and immediately goes back to 4.7 or 4.6 ghz this just started happening today and today only i dont remember it happening yesterday.



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Another UPDATE: So i was graphing the core clocks and it turns out to be "core 0" and other cores are normal? it's not thermal throttling or anything though.

I dont really know why this is happening this started today. Could this be the XMP or the DRAM Frequency changes that caused this? But i reverted the settings though. The settings are normal now though this might be because of dust. And it's a Intel Stock Cooler of all things.. So i dont know everythings right i reverted the settings no prior CPU OC's by the way. It's only sitting in at stock speed. What could be causing this?

On HWMonitor the only affected cores would be Core 0, Core 2 or Core 3/Any core on HWMonitor i think?
But on HWiNFO its only one core and it's Core 0 that seems to be affected by this.

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