Question Is this a bad idea or is it feasible?


Apr 17, 2018
I currently have two sets of ram: one 2x4gb kit that is rated at 3000 speed, and a 2x8gb kit at 3200 speed. As far as I know, they are the same timing and are both from the same brand(Team TForce Delta RGB). Is it possible for me to use both kits in my system at the same time and not encounter any problems? It would give me a total of 24gb of ram, and I would be setting my manual ram oc in my BIOS to 3000 speed. Please let me know what you think, thanks.
Mixed RAM modules are not guaranteed to work together, regardless as to whether they are the same make/model/timings. The same model or timings is irrelevant. RAM modules are only guaranteed in the form sold (I.e. the packs they come in).

Not saying it never works, but it's a 50/50 bet.

The only way you'll find out is by putting them in and trying yourself. If they do work, the second RAM set will likely downclock itself automatically to the lower RAM module speed (3000).