I've recently built my new system and it's been a mixed experience so far. Initially, the day that the system was built, it just turned off automatically. However, the problem seemed to be solved over time (it has been around 1 month since the build and I haven't face the sudden turn-off issue since the first day). However, my CPU temperature seems kinda high in idle use (https://prnt.sc/1thj7az). Moreover, the CPU temperature seems to spike at regular intervals. Is this normal for an AMD build? [I'm using the stock cooler though that came with the processor. Full specs are given below:
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X
Motherboard: Gigabyte B450 DS3H
RAM: Corsair Vengence 8GB 3200 Mhz
Power Supply: Corsair CV 550 Watt
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7750
I've recently built my new system and it's been a mixed experience so far. Initially, the day that the system was built, it just turned off automatically. However, the problem seemed to be solved over time (it has been around 1 month since the build and I haven't face the sudden turn-off issue since the first day). However, my CPU temperature seems kinda high in idle use (https://prnt.sc/1thj7az). Moreover, the CPU temperature seems to spike at regular intervals. Is this normal for an AMD build? [I'm using the stock cooler though that came with the processor. Full specs are given below:
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X
Motherboard: Gigabyte B450 DS3H
RAM: Corsair Vengence 8GB 3200 Mhz
Power Supply: Corsair CV 550 Watt
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7750