Question Is this GTX 980 variant rare, I can’t find it anywhere else ?

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Aug 18, 2017
So I bought an EVGA GTX 980 (non ti) hybrid (model 04G-P4-1989-KR) on eBay a few years ago, but I’ve since upgraded and wanted to list it. However, I cannot find a single listing, current or sold, on eBay. All I can find is the 980 ti hybrid that looks exactly the same. I’m curious if they just didn’t make a lot of these. Are they rare? Is it worth more? And no, this isn’t a pricing question, I’m just curious if it’s anything special. Help is appreciated! Pictures below.

They aren't exactly rare because a lot of them were made back in the day, they just got replaced in the product stack with something better. Now they're phased out since we have the RTX 4000 series which is 4 generations ahead.
Oh I know. I’m just curious if this specific EVGA hybrid model is uncommon since it seems the majority that are floating around are strictly the ti variants. Usually you can find basically any type of gpu on eBay either currently listed or sold.
I don't think that's an official EVGA product. Running the part number in the EVGA website, comes up with this.

no hybrid cooler shown, or mentioned in the description.

Someone may have pulled the 980 Ti cooler off of a broken card, and installed it on a 980, but kept the 980 shroud.

Every other ebay listing using that part number, doesn't have the hybrid cooler.
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