Ok everyone has heard of the new Ivy bridge chips that are coming out. Everyone knows that there is a z77 mobo to accompany it. Personally, I'd take the i5 2500k and z68 over this. What game uses HT anyway? I was going with this build until I stumbled across a forum about how ivy bridge is basically useless. I agree. However one person said that the only real advantage of the ivy bridge products was that you could use 1600mgh ram. And that the others only support 1333mgh. This concerns me because I am getting a Corsair Vengeance CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9B which is 1600mgh. This leaves 3 options, 1 get Ivy bridge, 2 underclock ram, 3 overclock cpu. I have never oced and am afraid of doing it. And I definetly don't want my ram downgraded. What should I do??? If its oc then give me instructions to do it.
P.S should I get a SSD?
P.S should I get a SSD?