[SOLVED] Is this sound normal for a fan?

Jan 26, 2022
This is my very first gaming pc ever that I bought prebuilt and have had for around 3 days. I know what loud fans sound like but whenever I play games I hear this sound from my pc.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCA8mQxep-Q

Not sure if this is a normal sound for a fan or not(I have an SSD so I know it's not a bad harddrive) I checked and the wires aren't hitting against it nor does anything seem loose. Am I just thinking too much about it or do I need to replace the fan?
I see what you mean. There is a definite vibration above the normal fan sound. Is the air being pushed out of the pictured vent? If so it could be a vibration of the mesh or the vent lattice.
Ah, you're right. I pushed my hand against the back of the vent where the air is being pushed out and the buzzing noise stopped. So in other words, everything is fine, it's just the vibration of the mesh causing this sound. Good to know. Do you know if there is anything I can do to reduce the sound?