Issues with TV as 2nd monitor


Jan 22, 2013
I used to have my PC set up with my ASUS 21" monitor and my 42" Dynex TV set up as dual monitors. A while back that stopped working for no apparent reason. I had a GTX 460 video card. I troubleshooted all of the HDMI inputs on the TV and tried the ASUS monitor with the DVI to HDMI adaptor I was using for the TV. Everything worked fine. I even bought a new video card (GTX 560 Ti) and it still didn't work. I just bought a Vizio E371VL 37" to use as a second monitor and am having the same issues. The cable I'm using was working fine with my Xbox on my Dynex. I tried both the DVI to HDMI adapter and a mini HDMI to HDMI adapter. The Vizio tells me its an incompatible device/not supported. I really don't see how this could be an possible. My PC recognizes the Vizio, it knows the model number and everything. When I set up the displays as extended it behaves as if there are two monitors but the TV doesn't receive the signal. I did just update the drivers today so that shouldn't be an issue. I did have a theory that having updated my drivers caused the issue with my Dynex, but that was so long ago I don't think I could roll back the drivers that far.

My PC has Windows 7 64 Bit, 3.4GHz i7, GTX 560 TI, Sound Blaster XiFi, MSI P67A-G43 MoBo

I'm really at my wits end, and don't know what to do. I really can't fathom that the Vizio doesn't work as a PC monitor, and I know the Dynex used to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I could try that. I did do that not too long ago, maybe six months, when I bought a solid state drive. That was after my Dynex stopped working. I have kinda wanted to wipe my hard drive any way so that I could create an image of it with a clean install and everything setup. Unfortunately I just don't have the time to do this right now. Thanks for the input anyway dragonlord.

I've thought about switching to an ATI graphics card because my mother board supports crossfire but not SLI. I've always wondered if I'd be better off with two lesser video cards than one really good one. For instance, if I had two $100 cards, would that be better than one $250 to $300 one. I do realize that's kind of a loaded question without actual cards to compare.

Any thoughts on if switching brands could be a solution to the tv monitor issue, or the two $100 crossfire cards over one $250 dollar one question would be greatly appreciated.