IT guy here, I can NEVER fix networking problems...HELP!


Jun 19, 2009
Alright so a little background. I'm 18 and I work at a computer store and I fix computers, been doing it for 2 years now. I'll say that I'm quite good at fixing any kind of problem that is put in front of me. From driver hunting to outlook, I can do it. EXCEPT for one thing...

NETWORKING PROBLEMS. Sometimes after removing viruses, or people just come in with a computer that won't connect to anything, I can't fix most of them. The only thing that I got in my arsenal is using a variety of "netsh winsock reset" commands, and re-installing network drivers to see if that does anything. I might try a sfc/ scannow, but that always takes forever, and never seems to do much. What I've had to resort to doing was backing up the customers crap and re-installing windows.

The network problems that I have seen that I couldn't fix was something with the "Network location Awareness" service wouldn't start, and I couldn't get the crap going no matter what I switched out in the system32 folder. Another problem was some guys computer with the 1394 driver or something wouldn't start, and I couldn't get it moving, even when I tried new drivers and everything. The wireless or wired connection would just sit there and continue to say: "acquiring network connection". Another computer recently didn't have any driver problems, but did the same thing with just sitting there and saying "acquiring network connection."

I know the best IT people never have to re-install windows, because they can fix anything in like 10 minutes. Do you have any kind of special software that you use to diagnose networking problems? Anything that I should try next time I get a computer like this?

Thank you!!! :D


Jan 26, 2012
Hi, there're some things that i would recommend you to check. Proxy settings and acquiring of dns should be set to auto for both. Go to the properties of the network card from the device manager, make sure the users did not make any changes to the advance settings. Make sure the password they entered isnt wrong.