its almost may and no k10 stuff?


Nov 17, 2006
sad world

Yes indeed, even Baron Malox doesn't both spouting FUD about the greatness of the K10 and AMD's pending resurgence being just around the corner.

It is as disheartening as watching the Pope decide to sleep in on Sunday morning because what is the use, the 2nd comming of Christ will probably just be one big disappointment if it does come. 8O

I just keep wondering if we are going to get news of Hector hanging from his shoe laces in his office before we get K10 benchmarks?


Jan 8, 2006
sad world

Yes indeed, even Baron Malox doesn't both spouting FUD about the greatness of the K10 and AMD's pending resurgence being just around the corner.

It is as disheartening as watching the Pope decide to sleep in on Sunday morning because what is the use, the 2nd comming of Christ will probably just be one big disappointment if it does come. 8O

nothin' like some good ol' blasphemy. methinks BM's rig has been down since his 4x4 setup overheated and blew a fuse in his house.
Was K10 tested in Tunisia? If it was, we should hopefully be getting some benches in the next couple of weeks. But, I am personally only interested in the GFX cards they are supposed to be releasing. I'm hoping that my CPU will be good enough for the rest of this year.


Jun 14, 2006
nope no k10 in tunisia was a ATi event (well Kinda) twe are currently 3 months away from k10 so hold your horses i can personally wait a little as when september/october hits ill be loooking for a UT3 / crysis build with a lot of K10 info around by then im sure it will be exciting enough then.

oh and Woot 400!!!


Mar 8, 2006
It is as disheartening as watching the Pope decide to sleep in on Sunday morning because what is the use, the 2nd comming of Christ will probably just be one big disappointment if it does come. 8O

Really don't understand why this had to be brought up in such a disparraging way.

So AMD's release of information and hardware is slow this cycle, doesn't mean you have try and forcibly equate that to Christianity in anyway.

No it isn't funny, and NO it has nothing to do with this thread.

And for some of us the Second Coming will not be a disappointment.


Oct 25, 2006
It is as disheartening as watching the Pope decide to sleep in on Sunday morning because what is the use, the 2nd comming of Christ will probably just be one big disappointment if it does come. 8O

Really don't understand why this had to be brought up in such a disparraging way.

So AMD's release of information and hardware is slow this cycle, doesn't mean you have try and forcibly equate that to Christianity in anyway.

No it isn't funny, and NO it has nothing to do with this thread.

And for some of us the Second Coming will not be a disappointment.

Actually - it was quite funny...


Jul 28, 2004
Hector Ruiz said "late summer". Think July or August.
Don't plan on seeing anyting in July as that is early summer Summer begins with the summer solstice June 21'st so think more like August-September before K-10 appears.


Feb 28, 2007
Hector Ruiz said "late summer". Think July or August.

Didn't Hector the great also say that the r600 would be out Q1 this year. Take everything these muffbuffs at AMD say with a pinch of salt, specially hector.


Jul 17, 2006
Baron will commit suicide if Penryn launches before K10 :lol:

I would have put the odds of that happening at 1000:1 at the beginning of the year.

Now I'm at 3:2.

It will be devastating for AMD to not enjoy a short period of peak performance exclusivity.


Dec 14, 2005
It is as disheartening as watching the Pope decide to sleep in on Sunday morning because what is the use, the 2nd comming of Christ will probably just be one big disappointment if it does come. 8O

Really don't understand why this had to be brought up in such a disparraging way.

So AMD's release of information and hardware is slow this cycle, doesn't mean you have try and forcibly equate that to Christianity in anyway.

No it isn't funny, and NO it has nothing to do with this thread.

And for some of us the Second Coming will not be a disappointment.

Well, at least he got in a dig at me, as is his usual tactic. These people hold nothing sacred. AMD has been compared to the attack on Pearl Harbor where 10s of 1000s died, to the German Third Reich which killed millions of non-Aryans (not even just Jews) and now to The Second Coming.

It's really pathetic. I'm just glad I'm really busy right now and am missing most of this.


Dec 14, 2005
Hector Ruiz said "late summer". Think July or August.
Don't plan on seeing anyting in July as that is early summer Summer begins with the summer solstice June 21'st so think more like August-September before K-10 appears.

Well, Hector said EXACTLY:

sampling to OEMs in May, shipments in June, and systems shipping in July.

I'm searching for the link.

And in case you didn't know July IS Q3 while June is STILL Q2.


Apr 26, 2007
It is as disheartening as watching the Pope decide to sleep in on Sunday morning because what is the use, the 2nd comming of Christ will probably just be one big disappointment if it does come. 8O

Really don't understand why this had to be brought up in such a disparraging way.

So AMD's release of information and hardware is slow this cycle, doesn't mean you have try and forcibly equate that to Christianity in anyway.

No it isn't funny, and NO it has nothing to do with this thread.

And for some of us the Second Coming will not be a disappointment.

Actually - it was quite funny...

Funny! Funny! Funny! There is nothing wrong in having some religious humour because it is in no way different than negro, jew, pole humour with the one difference that negros, jews and poles exist and god does not.


Jul 14, 2006
I think the issue is, for those of us who are looking at when to invest for ourselves or for others, in new technology, the lack of information is concerning. If AMD do not have a competitive product or are a further generation behind effectively, then it only leaves one viable alternative. This isn't good for anyone.

These are all if's and but's right now, that is only due to AMD's lack of information though.
Says Icandy, the #1 INTEL/NVIDIA fan in the world...

Anyway, all you people creating these stupid threads stating what everyone knows, or spreading "fear" about AMD, ... needs to realize that:

What a world it would be with just INTEL... nobody wants that... and I am sure there isn't a real INTEL fanboi out there who does.

Who would step up with the capability that AMD has right now? VIA? Samsung?

In the end, AMD will either be supported by IBM (or other large company who recognizes the importance to the market as well as the need for competitiveness) or AMD will sell ATI and regain the capital they need for R&D and create a new ARCH that will dethrone Intel.
It is as disheartening as watching the Pope decide to sleep in on Sunday morning because what is the use, the 2nd comming of Christ will probably just be one big disappointment if it does come. 8O

Really don't understand why this had to be brought up in such a disparraging way.

So AMD's release of information and hardware is slow this cycle, doesn't mean you have try and forcibly equate that to Christianity in anyway.

No it isn't funny, and NO it has nothing to do with this thread.

And for some of us the Second Coming will not be a disappointment.

Actually - it was quite funny...

I found it offensive, but hey, it's the Internet...


Apr 19, 2007
Yep, I think it will be great if AMD lose the market and go bankrupt because then we can all pay higher prices for Intel Products :roll:. Seriously I wish people would stop writing AMD off because they have not even released their new GFX cards yet or their new K10 CPU's! just wait and see what happens.
Yep, I think it will be great if AMD lose the market and go bankrupt because then we can all pay higher prices for Intel Products :roll:. Seriously I wish people would stop writing AMD off because they have not even released their new GFX cards yet or their new K10 CPU's! just wait and see what happens.

That's the issue though. AMD is not competing. ATI used to be neck and neck with nVidia. It was always shot and countershot. Well, AMD (ATI) hasn't fired a discreet graphics countershot in a LONG time and is losing the war. And the rumor is that it's long awaited countershot and nVidia will not be sufficient.

K10 has been delayed and 65nm wasn't all that we were hoping. 65nm only took AMD to 3.0ghz, and many were hoping that it would go further. As a result, the better Core 2 architecture which is better than AMD clock for clock, is cleaning house, including profits.

AMD must counter with something as they are not able to sell their current product at a price that is profitable. So to say we should just "wait and see" is concerning. AMD better not pull off a graphical or CPU dud, otherwise they will be in deep trouble.

The price war is a leech on AMD and Intel. But Intel can bleed for a lot longer than AMD can, in fact, Intel is even profiting, AMD is not, not even close.


Jul 14, 2006
Says Icandy, the #1 INTEL/NVIDIA fan in the world...

Anyway, all you people creating these stupid threads stating what everyone knows, or spreading "fear" about AMD, ... needs to realize that:

What a world it would be with just INTEL... nobody wants that... and I am sure there isn't a real INTEL fanboi out there who does.

Who would step up with the capability that AMD has right now? VIA? Samsung?

In the end, AMD will either be supported by IBM (or other large company who recognizes the importance to the market as well as the need for competitiveness) or AMD will sell ATI and regain the capital they need for R&D and create a new ARCH that will dethrone Intel.

I'll assume you are joking. After all, that would mean you were unable to or did not bother to read my post, also that you were unable to get my name right.

Clearly I showed unhappyness about not having a satisfactory future alternative from AMD readily available for proper analysis. I do not want just the choice of Intel, and I will quote myself, "This isn't good for anyone."



Aug 14, 2006
It is as disheartening as watching the Pope decide to sleep in on Sunday morning because what is the use, the 2nd comming of Christ will probably just be one big disappointment if it does come. 8O

Really don't understand why this had to be brought up in such a disparraging way.

So AMD's release of information and hardware is slow this cycle, doesn't mean you have try and forcibly equate that to Christianity in anyway.

No it isn't funny, and NO it has nothing to do with this thread.

And for some of us the Second Coming will not be a disappointment.

Actually - it was quite funny...

Careful, you'll start a new Crusade. :lol:


Mar 9, 2006
It is as disheartening as watching the Pope decide to sleep in on Sunday morning because what is the use, the 2nd comming of Christ will probably just be one big disappointment if it does come. 8O

Really don't understand why this had to be brought up in such a disparraging way.

So AMD's release of information and hardware is slow this cycle, doesn't mean you have try and forcibly equate that to Christianity in anyway.

No it isn't funny, and NO it has nothing to do with this thread.

And for some of us the Second Coming will not be a disappointment.

Actually - it was quite funny...

Careful, you'll start a new Crusade. :lol:

Actually, a new crusade has started with Mr. Bush and his group of close supporters (well, that's what happen when you only teach history and biology in school without all the facts...yeah...sure...all men and women came from a single couple...hey...wait...if they populated earth, wouldn''t the 3rd generation - their granchildren - be result of incestuos relations?...c***, I shouldn't be mentioning this or I'll be burnt in the stake...)

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