Question Joemamaaaa


Oct 15, 2013
Hi guys got a new 1050 and tried swapping it for my 760

I plugged everything out and went on to remove the 760 it was a little challenge but I pulled it a bit hard and popped out and I forgot the little thingy on the back that that holds it in place and it ripped it off with the card so I go on and put the new 1050 I turn the system on it powers but monitor gives me no signal that's where I start to panic

I put my old 760 power on and still - nothing I try different cables still nothing

So I decide to do a bit of testing :
  • tried to reset bios by removing battery with no result
  • tried reseating everything still nothing
  • getting all kinds of different cables and trying to put them in and out with no hope..
  • plugging vga cable to the motherboard's slot but still nothing
What makes me believe it's the PCIE or mobo is the reason because I pulled a bit too hard and clumsy and hit the motherboard a bit but not hard ..
I proceed to go to my brothers pc and pop his gpu in my pc and the same thing happens no- display signal but when I return it back in his PC his display powers up and it's working normally with same cables I used..
I will now try to put my 760 in his PC to see if it works

My specs are

-asus prime b450m-k AM4
-ryzen 5 3600
-8 gb single stick 2.6ghz ram
- and the famous 760

So please could someone guide me to a solution do I have to buy a new motherboard?
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I guess you should try everything outside the case, an also see if there is anything wrong on the pci, like a bent pin or something, i think you damaged your mobo but just try it outside the case
I guess you should try everything outside the case, an also see if there is anything wrong on the pci, like a bent pin or something, i think you damaged your mobo but just try it outside the case
Just tried it outside the case.. nothing happens
And I looked up the PCIE slot it seems to be fine I've also read that a dead cpu can cause no signal, could it be the case? How can I know if it's the motherboard and PCIE or CPU knowing I don't have another mobo on my side so I can test the cpu the thing is that the cpu doesn't even heat up maybe I bumped the cooler and killed the cpu I can't know

Anyways I've tried almost everything nothing seems to work I'll buy a new motherboard Monday but I'm scared it's the cpu too

Plus I don't get any beeps or post boot sounds isn't that weird if something was wrong wouldn't be the system beeping ?
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Hey guys recently built a new system with a b450 mb and ryzen 5 3600 and went to swap my 760 for a 1050 but when I tried to boot it up only fans start spinning and nothing else happens screen doesn't show up .

At first I thought it's the GPU it kinda was because I tried the 1050 on my other PC and it didn't work either
So I think to myself it's okay I didn't pay for it then I proceed to put back my old 760 BUT same thing happens; system powers on, fans working and again no screen shows up
I then go and test the 760 in other PC - works just fine. Here I start to get worried that I fried something.
I'll give you a list of everything I've tried so far :
  • Getting mobo out of case and trying again + removing CMOS battery draining off with power button waiting 5 min then putting it back again
  • Tried booting on my other 500watt psu still nothing
  • Reseating cpu
  • Connecting only cpu gpu mouse and keyboard nothing
  • checked cpu no bent pins
  • screwed cooler nice and tight because I thought I displaced something and it didn't make good contact
  • thought it was ram problem tried rubbing contact pins with microfiber cloth
  • tried different ram slots

Here's few interesting things :
When I boot mobo without memory, it doesn't give me any beeps.
I also noticed that cpu is gradually heating up when I power on ( without cooler ofc because I read dead CPUs don't heat up)

The system is brand new what could I've done wrong I just don't get it if mobo is dead why it is still powering on and if cpu is dead why is it still heating up :?
I am planning a replacement but which part should I replace because I cannot afford getting both at the same ( worst case scenario)

Thanks for your time in advance.