John Carmack No Longer Enthused About AMD's Mantle?

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This guy likes OPENGL...That isn't windows or directx.

I see nothing wrong with a dev saying who is better when we all know it is NV right now. You are constantly having to put up with AMD or wait for fixes. But I don't see him kissing NV's butt, just admitting Gsync etc is pretty darn cool which EVERYBODY that has seen it has said and he wasn't alone on stage bragging about it. Epic was there, Dice was there. You hate all top devs then I guess...LOL.

Exactly. The people here knocking John Carmack have no idea what they're talking about. Carmack is one of the most influential game programmers of all time and he continues to innovate to this day.

People saying "Oh gee what have you do lately? Doom 3 Rehash!?" No, he's been working on actually technology, namely the Oculus Rift. John Carmack is a genius, legendary programmer and anyone who says otherwise is either not a programmer or a trash talking wanna-be / no-name.

It wouldn't matter who he was. He could be God for all they care. If they bad mouth the company they are so passionate about, they attack.

Sounds about right. You can see how baseless their assertions are in the posts themselves. Anyone who knows about the history of video games, or video game programming, in any real depth can cite at least a couple innovations John Carmack had a hand in.

It's not about the "Games" he made, but rather the technology behind the games that paved the way for massive industry-wide improvements. He was basically the mastermind behind a ton of code engineering that drastically improved video games.

For example, adaptive tile refresh, raycasting, binary space partitioning, surface caching, Carmack's Reverse, and MegaTexture. He's now been working heavily towards making VR a reality over at Oculus.

It takes a lot of education, talent and intelligence to create video games. It's another whole level of intelligence to create innovative new methods for others to use in making video games.

Anyone who thinks this man isn't worth listening to seriously has no clue. This isn't to say that everything he says is going to be 100% true, but his concerns and feelings are well worth considering seriously.

That's definitely the right way to view Carmack. He is the one behind all the tech that moved use from 2D to 3D gaming (not the stereoscopic kind) and is working on getting us to stereoscopic virtual reality as well with the Oculus Rift.. He is a software engineer at heart. A game engine designer. He may not be a great game designer, or an artist, but his contributions to the technology cannot be denied.

That said, Mantle may work, but it definitely comes at a cost, one John Carmack is qualified to speak about.
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