Just bought CORSAIR TX850W should i cancel the order?


Feb 4, 2010
Hi this is my first post please take it easy on me :)

I have had to replace my psu and thought corsair is a good name and picked the TX850W for gaming needs i thought that the 850 would be best for my rig after buying i noticed some of the reviews saying its not modular and that its hard to instal any advice would be apreciated

850W is this enough

amd Phenom x4 9950be
asus silent square cpu cooler
asus m4....... motherboard
ati xfx 4890xXx
8 gig geil blackdragon evo one 1066mhz
pioneer blueray
asus dvd/cd
case Antec twelve hundred

First, the Corsair TX850 is an excellent power supply that is very easy to install. All atx power supplies are secured to the rear panel of a case with 4 screws. There is absolutely nothing difficult about that.

Second, the TX850 is hardwired rather than modular. That is not that big a deal. It just means you'll have to hide a few extra power cables that you won't being using. Since you have the Antec Twelve Hundred case that will definitely not be a problem. It will be easy to hide the extra cables. You''ll be able to stuff the unused cables between the motherboard tray and the right side panel.

However an 850 watt power supply is more than you need for your system. The XFX Radeon HD 4890XXX is not a power hungry video card.

The general rule of thumb is a high quality 500 to 550 watt power supply with sufficient current (amps) on the +12 volt rail(s) can easily power a system with any single video card made. A high quality 700 to 750 watt power supply with sufficient current (amps) on the +12 volt rail(s) can power a system with two video cards operating in dual mode. There are a few exceptions like the new ATI Radeon HD 5XXX series cards which use less power due to their energy efficiency.

A high quality 500 to 550 watt psu will have a +12 volt rail rated at 40 amps. A high quality 700 to 750 watt psu will have a +12 volt rail rated at 60 amps.

In addition the power supply should be at least 80+ Bronze certified for energy efficiency. There are some models available which have achieved 80+ Silver and 80+ Gold Certifications.

Before purchasing a new psu you will need to decide whether you will eventually have a pc with one or two video cards.

The Corsair VX550 would be an appropriate choice if you are only going to install one video card. If for convenience sake you want a modular power supply, then the Corsair HX520 would be an appropriate choice. HX520 availability is somewhat limited.


Sure, but why spend money now for power that one won't need until a few years down the road, and in fact may never need?
True. The usual rational for specifying a large PSU is, "Well, I might get a second video card later." Then "later" comes and a new video card will have the same performance as two old ones for probably not much more money.
thanks for the help

This is my first build and had my share of problems with a few things i wish i had found this site a few months ago.

i am looking at getting 2x 4890 cards and running crossfire and also looking into getting a new motherboard 785 or 790 series chipset.

i have stuck with the tx850w and bought some extra cable tidy's

hopefully i will be able to overclock the phenomx4 9950be as its been very unstable in overclocking its either the motherboard or the psu

my thoughts for motherboards are

Send that piece of crap back! And the seller asked me to let you know that their returns address happens to be the same as the address at my personal residence. What a coincidence!