I have one 1gig 5year-old stick, one 2gig 3 year old, one 4gig 3 year old, one 8gig 2 year old and one 16gig 2 year old. I don't freaking need anything more than that to swap files from the computers at home, office or college.
I do have, though, an external 1TB USB 3.0 hard drive that i use to store content i download and that i don't want cluttering around my main storage in my gaming PC.
I'm a young man that doesn't really fit in modern times... Sometimes i feel misplaced and find other people weird by, for example, making absolutely necessary to play at 1080p, or to log on to facebook, tumblr and that kind of stuff all day, all the time. I rarely check any social networks. I do have a facebook page, but i only use it to talk for free with my actual friends. No tumblr, no tweeter, no shitter, no crapper, no slapper... whatever.
And i must say... i feel awesome. People feel the need to be different and generally try to do so adopting a strange way of life and dressing code, just to fall into another stereotype. I'm truly different in my own way, and i never met anyone that thinks and feels the way i do.
I don't have a girflriend nor am i gay, its just because i think is too much hassle for the benefit perceived. A little cuddling on a cold night? Sure. But the constant fights, decision sharing, jealousy, etc... just makes it a no-deal for me.
I guess it all comes from the strong feel i don't care what people think of me. All i'm worried about is not being an ass nor too naive and submissive. Apart from that, i'm just myself. And people, let me tell you... for real... it's freaking amazing.
I have an absolutely modest life, without giving up my aspirations as to be a successful entrepeneur, to make a difference in human history, to be the very best at one or two things, but to give no effort at all in everything else i don't care about.